Chapter 2: Killer Family

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I've been working with the I.M.P group for about three weeks. It had to be the nicest job that I've ever had before. I've been making a ton more money and a lot more experience than any other job I worked in a lifetime. Over time I've been making a knife collection, found out that I'm skilled with a hatchet and have been studying up on poisons. So far I either gave them too much that it would pop up on their radar or too little that they'll still pop up back to life and either me or Blitzø would finish them off. I'm still working on that.

But lately, I've been having these strange dreams and they would always occur after a job in the living world.

I would dream that I was a baby again and my dad was holding me. He would always be tearfully waving goodbye to someone in a blinding white light. I never knew who he was saying goodbye to. All I would see is this figure of a woman with a halo above her head and feathered wings coming out of her back. She would be using her wings to fly up into the ray of light between the clouds. I don't know why but I didn't want her to leave. I don't even know who she is. But for some reason, I think she's my mom.

I never knew her growing up. My dad went through lots of girlfriends and sometimes boyfriends. But he would always tell me that if he could he would be with my mother for the rest of their lives.

As Blitzø was in with a client, Moxxie was brushing up on shooting with his crossbow. We used a family photo that I managed to snag the last time we were in the living world.

Millie and I could tell that he's nervous from the way he was holding his crossbow. He already missed numerous times and we were afraid he was gonna hit Loona.

"Moxxie, stop shaking." Millie tells him. "You're gonna shoot our only hellhound."

Meanwhile Loona laid down on the couch as she skimmed through her phone and held up a picture of a lovely photo of a human family.

"Wow. I feel sooo loved here." Loona said sarcastically.

"Just take a deep breath." Millie inhaled. Millie exhaled as she said, "And let it out."

"But... It's a family." Moxxie stammered. "Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?

"I mean, if that's what the client wants." Millie said with a shrug.

"Maybe like a shitty dad." I input. "Or a mafiosi family."

"That's understandable." Moxxie said in a stereotypical Italian accent. Then he switched back to his normal voice. "But to eradicate an entire innocent, seemingly in this instance, upper middle class family bloodline?"

Loona looks at the picture as she thinks for a moment to get Moxxie's confidence up.

"Hey! You don't know they're innocent!" Loona tells him. She points to the boy in the picture. "This kid probably sets dogs on fire." She points to the girl. "Maybe this girl gets off on bullying Australian kids online." She points to the father. "And this guy... This guy definitely watches."

"Sounds reason enough for me to wipe them off the face of the earth." I said with a shrug. "Especially if that boy really does set dogs on fire. Cause if anything happened to my Fester, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."

"Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here." Millie tells her husband.

"But—" Moxxie tried to say something but Millie cupped his face.

"Guilty and innocent aren't our business, Mox." She says as she shakes his cheeks. "Killin' whom we're paid to is our business. Shoot the target." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

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