Chapter 6: Feel The Wrath

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Frost has been staying in my apartment for about a few weeks now. During those weeks we decided to start a relationship. Frost is amazingly sweet. But I should have expected that from an angel. But I'm a little skeptical about making my relationship public with him. Not only am I worried about homophobic morons, but I'm also worried about how it'll effect Frost. Since most demons have a vendetta against heaven and angels. Even if Lucifer himself was from heaven.

Anyway, Frost has been telling me about Heaven and it's hierarchy. Obviously just like us imps, cherubs like himself are at the bottom. Innocent souls or saints as they're called are a little higher. The angels of death, otherwise known to us as the exterminators are above saints. The archangels are more on the top like Gabriel and Azrael. And finally God himself and his son Jesus are at the top. Kinda made me wish if I wasn't born here I would jump at the opportunity to go to Heaven.

He also told me the tale of Cain, the son of Adam and Eve. But he says he's starting to doubt that the story was accurate. I do have to admit some of it did sound a little fabricated. I mean why would Steve go after Cain? And where was the body if Steve killed Cain? Not to mention the power of love tidbits do sound far-fetched.

As we were relaxing on the couch I got a call from my boss. When I picked up I said, "Hello?"

"Hey, hope I didn't wake ya, Aaron! How would you like to visit the Wrath Ring for some harvest bullshit this year?"

I heard about the Harvest Moon Festival. It's a typical harvest festival celebrating the bountiful harvest of the previous year. Stolas's role in the festival is to use his powers via his Grimoire to open a portal allowing the Imps of the Wrath Ring to view a true harvest moon.

I never really been there myself but it does sound like it could be fun.

I shrugged and said, "Well I don't see why not so I'm down for it."

"Great! See you tomorrow kid."

"Who is it?" Frost asked.

"It's my boss." I whispered as I covered the phone.

"Who is that?" Blitzø asked over the phone.

"No one. Just some rando I fucked." I said to not get him suspicious.

"Oh so you did the fucking?" Frost said in a joking manner.

"Oh my god he sounds like a whiny little prick."

"Well at least that's what he fucked me with. Anyway, see you tomorrow."

When I hung up Frost asked, "What was that about?"

"Blitzø was calling me to ask if I wanted to attend the Harvest Moon Festival in Wrath." I explained to him.

"What's that?"

"It's a festival to celebrate the bountiful harvest of the year before. I bet Stolas invited us to give us special access."

"Stolas? As the Goetia demon prince?" Frost asked.

"Yeah he and my boss bang each other on the regular."

"Isn't he married with a daughter?"

"Are you even surprised that a married man is having an affair considering where you are now?"

Frost gave it more thought and said, "Okay you make a good point. I mean look at us, not even in wedlock and we're living together. For heaven sake I don't think even anyone knows that you and I are seeing each other."

It's been tearing me apart keeping my relationship with Frost secret. I've been keeping it as quiet as I could. Only time that we ever 'go out' is when we order from Hell Dash. And I just hope that the delivery imp doesn't see Frost. He says that he'll understand if my coworkers don't like him. But I'm more worried that they'll hurt him. So for now it was better I didn't tell them.

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