Chapter 30 Vol. 2

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   Since Zhou Shuo's soft and hard promise to keep the child last time, Xia Liang's original restless heart has unexpectedly calmed down.

    He was not a person who was easy to hurt the spring and the autumn. Since childhood, he believed in the principle of "when encountering problems, we will face problems and solve problems one by one". Cowardly escape is not his style, since Zhou Shuo gave it to him. A set of seemingly feasible solutions, he is willing to give the other party a chance to try.

    Even in a sense, Zhou Shuo’s suggestion of “turning light into darkness” gave him a lot of inspiration. Compared with the matter of “hiding to give birth to children”, he is more concerned about Zhou Shuo’s meeting In this opportunity, what kind of growth and transformation will be obtained, and what kind of future the development trajectory of Xia's enterprise will lead in this process of alternating light and dark.

    In the next period of time, Xia Liang stayed at home comfortably and did not go out to work anymore, but Zhou Shuo became extremely busy after taking over most of Xia Liang's work.

    During this period, the two only had time to meet in the morning and evening. The topics they talked about were almost always about work, either Zhou Shuo’s unilateral work report, or Zhou Shuo encountered difficulties and asked Xia Liang for advice. , And Xia Liang tirelessly teaches each other.

    Of course, occasionally the two of them also chat about things outside of work. For example, Xia Liang complains about the increasing frequency of morning sickness in the past few days, or the takeaway order is too greasy and unappetizing.

    Zhou Shuo considered Xia Liang's special situation. It would be impossible to ask a part-time worker to cook at home. However, seeing Xia Liang lose his appetite and lose weight every day, he felt distressed and anxious in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said: "Or, Brother Liang, I will cook for you in the future?"

    Xia Liang was stunned, then smiled: "You haven't even made instant noodles a few times. Are you sure you are cooking? Can you eat it?"

    Zhou Shuo flushed and said, "I...I'll learn it seriously."

    "How do you learn? Facing recipes? Forget it, I've already vomited like this, you must be sure. Don't poison me anymore."

    Xia Liang had forgotten this topic, but Zhou Shuo remembered it secretly.

    Early on Saturday morning, he changed into casual clothes and didn't know where he went. At noon, he brought two thermos buckets back, and handed them to Xia Liang as if offering treasures, saying: "Brother Liang, I made this, you can try it? "

    Xia Liang opened the lid suspiciously, and found that the scent that came out of it was still a little tempting.

    He carefully tasted a few mouthfuls and found it to taste good. The most important thing was that the taste was refreshing and not greasy, so he ate it with confidence.

    Zhou Shuo sat opposite him, staring at him like a child waiting for praise, and asked from time to time: "How is it, Brother Liang, is it delicious?"

    "Not bad," Xia Liang nodded. I don’t believe it, "You really did it yourself?"

    "Well, I actually learned it from Sister Zhang in the next building. I told her that I would go to her house every weekend to learn how to cook with her. Dishes are not repeated in each lesson.

    Xia Liang was a little incredulous: "Which sister Zhang, are you familiar with her, she would like to teach you? "

    I met it when I went to the vegetable market to buy food for the first time. She saw that I didn't know how to bargain, so she drew a knife to help when the road was uneven, and then started talking. Why did a big man come to buy groceries? I said that my wife was pregnant and I wanted to make some delicious food for her, so she suddenly said very enthusiastically that she wanted to help me. "

    "..." Xia Liang had an inexplicable feeling of being taken advantage of brightly, but the guy who took advantage of it still asked for praise innocently, as if he didn't realize that he was taking advantage at all, but it seemed that he had lost his power. .

    Xia Liang choked, secretly swallowing this boring loss, nodded and said: "Since there are enthusiastic people who are willing to teach you, then you should study

    hard ." Zhou Shuo was very happy after hearing this, and asked: "Brother Liang, do you have any I’m particularly fond of the dishes. Show me some recipes, and I will learn them one by one.”

    Xia Liang is not too picky about eating. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, “Go online to find out what are pregnant women. ...No, people like me are suitable for eating, so just watch and learn.”

    Zhou Shuo packed up the dishes and went to wash the dishes after eating. Xia Liang stood up and walked a few steps to digest food. Suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, have you consulted on Du Lanze?"

    "I have asked," Zhou Shuo said, "He said that in two days he will bring a doctor friend over to do it for you. Obstetric checkup."

    Xia Liang was a little uneasy: "Is his friend reliable?"

    "It should be reliable," Zhou Shuo said, "Listen to his meaning, his friend Lin also knows him, as if he had done a clinical practice before. Brother's mentor."

    Xia Liang suspiciously

    asked, "Isn't Xia Lin's mentor in neurology or surgery? How come he also manages obstetrics and gynecology?" Zhou Shuo was asked, "But...maybe the business is more versatile?"

    Two People haven't discussed the reason, Xia Liang suddenly changed his face, turned around and rushed into the bathroom to vomit.

    Zhou Shuo was still wearing an apron, and he couldn't take care of washing the dishes at this time. He wiped the detergent foam on his hands three or two times, and hurriedly ran over, but was blocked by Xia Liang.

    Zhou Shuo stood outside the door in a hurry, and finally let Xia Liang eat a full meal, and then vomited up again in a blink of an eye. When was this morning sickness?

    Xia Liang was out of breath inside, and when he opened the door again, his face was pale, and his legs were almost unsteady.

    Zhou Shuo mixed him back to the living room and sat down, feeling guilty to death. He felt that Xia Liang didn't have to suffer this sin because of his own selfishness. He had to keep the child to make Xia Liang toss like this.

    He knelt down beside Xia Liang, and whispered: "Brother Liang, seeing you work so hard, or...or, we won't give birth."

    Xia Liang turned his head to look at him in surprise: "Are you serious?"

    Zhou Shuo Although he was persevering in his heart, he bit his head and nodded. Before, he only thought how happy it would be to have a child with Xia Liang, but now he feels that if he is pregnant with a child to torture Xia Liang like this, he would rather not have a child. .

    However, Xia Liang pointed his eyebrows to him coldly: "Whenever you encounter difficulties, you will retreat. If you do the same at work, believe it or not, I will kill you."

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