Chapter 54 Vol. 2

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    Du Lanze hung up the phone and pulled the iron chain in his hand, dragging Chen Sha behind him.

    At this time, they had passed the teleportation charm left by Song Huaixin, and instantly returned to the door of the midnight flying bar in City B.

    Chen Sha was tied up by the special iron chain and couldn't move. He could only take a few steps by dragging him by Du Lanze. The broken glasses hung on the bridge of his nose crookedly, looking very embarrassed.

    Chen Sha stared at Du Lanze's back with bitter eyes, and said with a sneer: "Du Lanze, you are their lackey, they are so to you, you are still willing to work for them!"

    Du Lanze thought Chen Sha said. "They" refer to the organization they belong to, and they suddenly look dumbfounded: "Why did they treat me?"

    "They prevent you from being with Jin He, don't you hate it at all in your heart?"

    Du Lanze realized it. , Chen Sha's "they" refers to the entire ABO family.

    He paused and was silent for a moment, and said, "This is only the thoughts of some upper-class nobles, and it does not represent the entire ABO family."

    You really want to think about it," Chen Sha said coldly, "They forced Jin He to commit suicide, and it was they who killed him. After Jin He died, you actually spoke for them. "

    Du Aisawa looked back at him:" Chen sand, to be honest, your heart is like Jin Wo, right? "

    I like him?" "Chen Sha seems to have heard a funny joke, "I hate him for being too late. He only wants to be ashamed of himself, but has he considered how I feel?" He actually ran to commit suicide on the second day of the Qing period! He died cleanly, but what about me? From the third day to the seventh day, I survived by myself. I almost killed myself in the bedroom because I couldn't stand the physical and mental torture! He abandoned me in this way, what is the difference with killing me! "

    Du Ze looked at his blue eyes softened some of them:" I apologize to you for him. "

    Who wants your hypocritical apology!" I owe me the whole society, especially Jin He's unaccountable Alpha. What qualifications does he have to ask others to apologize for him? "

    Du Lanze stayed silent for a while, and raised his head again to look at him: "Although I personally sympathize with your experience and feel guilty for you, I still want you to go back to the organization for trial one by one because this is not your indiscriminate revenge. The society uses it as a reason to vent its anger.

    A few days later, Ruifeng Entertainment came to an uninvited guest-Gu Lixuan, who had been unilaterally terminated, and appeared unconsciously outside Ying Mohua's office wearing a cap and sunglasses.

    When he heard the secretary mention this person, Ying Mohua was still in a daze. A while ago, he had been obsessed with sabotaging Xia's enterprise and completely left Gu Lixuan behind. Only then did he realize that he seemed to have not for a while. Hear the news of this person.

    Out of curiosity, he told the secretary to bring people into the office.

    "Mr Ying, long time no see." Gu Lixuan took off his sunglasses and smiled at Mo Hua.

    Ying Mohua looked at this person up and down, and hadn't seen him for a while. The spirit of Gu Lixuan's body had been exhausted, and the once smashing actor's light had completely disappeared from him.

    "It's been a long time." Ying Mohua said politely, thinking that it wasn't too long in fact. He didn't know what purpose Gu Lixuan came to see him this time, so he waited for the other party to speak first.

    "President Ying, I'm here this time, in fact, I'm here to say goodbye to you." Gu Lixuan lowered his head and said straightforwardly, "I plan to... go back to my hometown."

    "Don't plan to make a comeback?" Ying Mohua asked. One sentence, but there is not much surprised expression on his face.

    "No, I... I'm really tired of it." Gu Lixuan smiled bitterly,

    "I better go back." "That's fine," Ying Mohua nodded, "You have been working hard in the entertainment industry these years, and it is not without gain. , Just relying on the accumulation of buds you have on hand, going back to your hometown to do a little business, will not worry about the rest of your life."

    Gu Lixuan nodded in agreement. For a while, no one spoke again.

    Although they had skin-to-kin relations, they all knew that there was no love between them. When they parted, there was not much to say.

    "Then, take care of you in the future." Ying Mohua took the lead in breaking the silence.

    Gu Lixuan thanked him, and was about to say goodbye, when Ying Mohua's assistant hurriedly pushed in.

    "President Ying, we searched for several days but couldn't find Chen Sha's whereabouts, and finally found the bar where we met Xia Liang last time. Guess what we found?"

    Gu Lixuan was just about to take his steps. , Turned his head and looked at the assistant in surprise.

    Ying Mohua leaned forward and leaned forward: "What did you find?

    "The previous bar, what was the flying bar, was actually empty overnight, leaving only a rough room! "The assistant couldn't help but raised his voice. "Later, I asked people to investigate the neighborhoods around, and they said there were no bars there. "

    " How could that be? "Ying Mohua frowned. Could there be mirages that popped out of thin air in this world?

    Just listen to the assistant continuing: "Later, I asked about what happened that night. Guess what, someone said that that night, After we left, a

    group of people rushed into the rough room with clubs. At first he thought it was a group fight between two groups of people, but later found out that it was a group of people fighting one, but he couldn't fight, and in the end they were all beaten to the ground. Then the man walked away with a small man with glasses. "

    Ying Mohua's eyebrows moved: "Is that person Chen Sha?" "

    I guessed that too," the assistant said, "I guess that person must be inseparable from Xia Liang, so I secretly visited the place where they lived, and found that he and his neighbors had all moved out one by one. That's right. , His neighbor is the man who accompanied him last time. "The

    assistant said, taking a few photos from the file bag: "Fortunately, I was secretly taken a few photos that night. I looked for them based on these photos. Some people said they saw him as a neighbor," he pointed. Refers to the Wen Ping in the photo, "I have been in the Ai Sheng Hotel in the last two days. "

    Ying Mohua felt that the name of the hotel was familiar, so he thought about it for a moment, and said, "If I remember correctly, this hotel seems to be the property of the Song family." "

    Yes," the assistant sighed, "I don't know what kind of help the Song family has received in the past two years. It has developed very fast in China. With our current strength in China, if we want to face the Song family head-on, I am afraid it will be difficult. Not much good, boss, look..."

    Ying Mohua took a deep breath and slowly said, "It seems that Xia Liang is still defensive to me... If even the Song Clan is involved, it is really not easy to deal with this matter, so I will wait and see for a while. Say it again." The

    assistant nodded and asked: "Then Chen Sha..."

    Ying Mohua's face sank: "Chen Sha has repeatedly advocated private actions, and he has long ignored my boss. Now he is being caught. Hold it, it's his own responsibility."

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