Heart Break💔

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*Your POV*

You couldn't believe your eyes. You didn't want to. Without confronting him about it, or saying anything to anyone, you ran out of the place. You wiped your silent tears and called a cab. You waited outside for 5 minutes before you got in and went back to your home.

So here's what actually happened:

*Tom's POV*

Tom: K I'll be right back.

He went towards the bar and as he was waiting for the drinks, he heard someone say something to him.

?? : Hey handsome.

He turned around and saw a pretty drunk girl from around the party. He was about to say 'I have a girlfriend' but he didn't want to be rude.

Tom: Uh hey?

?? : Wanna get out of here?

She was getting all touchy at that point. He was just about to push her away when she pressed her lips against his.

Wow. You've got bad timing because that's exactly when you came in and saw. And you left right after. Here's what you didn't see:

He pushed her away right after.

Tom: What the fuck!!?

He practically ran back to the spot where you were before. He looked around for a while and when he couldn't find you he went up to Zendaya at one of the tables with a few other people.

Tom: Z, did you see Y/n??

Zendaya: Oh ya, I think I saw her run out of the front door just now.

Tom: Oh shit. Ok I'm gonna head back. I'm done for tonight.

Zendaya: Alright. I'll tell Jacob.

Tom: Ok thanks.

He went outside and tried calling you.

*Your POV*

Once you reached home, you took off your make-up and your dress and got into something comfortable. You cried in front of the mirror for probably half an hour. All you could think about was 'How could he do this to me?', 'I thought he loved me', 'Does he not like me anymore?'.

You had the whole house to yourself as your dad had gone to another country for a new movie. Your phone was on silent earlier. You checked it to see 7 missed calls and 5 texts from Tom.

*The Text*

Tom: Y/n where are you?

Tom: I've looked for you all over the club

Tom: Did you leave?
Tom: Fuck please pick up my call 

Tom: I'm really worried 

You read the messages and decided not to reply. 'Was he really going act like nothing was wrong', you thought. You grabbed an ice-cream bucket to drown your sorrows into it while watching sad movies on Netflix.

*Tom's POV*

He was so stressed at this point. He saw that you read his messages. Now he couldn't help but think if you saw him with that girl, why else would you ignore him like this.

He went to the hotel first. No sign of you. So, no other place but your house to check. He got in his car and reached your house after a hurried 20 minute drive. He rang the door bell at the gate, super anxious.

Your mind was screaming no, but your heart wanted an explanation. So, you opened the gate from inside the house and he came in. After a few minutes he entered the living room and he saw you there. 

Tom: Y/n where were you I was so worried?

He came in for a hug but you backed away. He noticed your eyes, nose and cheeks were red and your hair was a complete mess.

Tom: Were you crying?

When you didn't reply, he knew exactly what was going on.

Tom: You saw it didn't you.

Y/n: I did. A-and you're a piece of shit. I hate you.

Tom: No no no no please. You don't even know what happened. Just let me explain. Please.

Y/n: C'mon Tom. What are you going to explain? Because 2 seconds ago you were acting like nothing happened.

Tom: I know I know I'm sorry. I thought I wouldn't unnecessarily say anything if you didn't know.

Y/n: So you would lie to me?

Tom: Noooo please just- Let me explain ok?

Y/n: Ok.

Tom: I swear I would never do this to you on purpose. When I was waiting for our drinks, a random girl came up to me and said hi, super hammered. I didn't want to be rude so I said hey.

Tom:  But then the next thing I know, she pushed against me and kissed me. And I pushed her back not even a second later. I love you Y/n. And I couldn't even think of cheating on you. What happened today was... really not my fault.

Y/n: H-how am I supposed to believe you?

Tom: You have to!!!!.. I'm sorry I shouldn't shout. It's just that I'm not lying. I love you from all my heart and I would never lie to you.

Y/n: Ok.

Tom: Ok?

Y/n: It's ok.... We're ok.

Tom: Thank you.

You gave him a weak smile.

Y/n: I need time though-

Tom: I know, I understand. You can take as much time as you want. I really want to kiss you, but for now, can I just hug you?

Y/n: Yeah that'd be great.

He embraced you in his arms and you melted at his touch. 

Tom: I love you.

Y/n: I-

Tom: You don't have to say anything. Just know that I love you and I'll be here for you no matter what.

Lovers on Set: Tom Holland x Downey!Actress!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now