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Holy fuck I just realized, Tom and Y/n have not argued, like everrr in the whole series yet. So...😏


*Your POV*

You went up to him and gave him a tiny side hug before sitting down on one of the chairs in front of the bar.

Y/n: Hey..

Justin: Hey. Where's Tom?

Y/n: Oh you know.. He dozed off, was really tired.

Justin: Ouch. I thought he'd spend more time with you.

'What the hell is he trying to prove?' You thought.

Y/n: Doesn't matter, I didn't want to keep him up. He showed me such a fun time today, so he deserves that.

Justin: Hmm.. cool what did ya'll do?

He said as he took both your drinks from the counter and handed you yours.

Y/n: We went to the island across from the beach and we saw the northern lights and played in the sand and yeah.. it was a lot of fun.

You cringed at your own words, realizing that was too much information for an 'awkward ex meet up'.

Justin: Woah that's cool.

Y/n: Yeah, what about you.. Tell me what you've been up to.

Justin: Just the usual.. Working on new projects, writing new songs, filming new videos.

Y/n: Cool, what about Hailey, how's she?

Justin: She's great, yeah. I don't film away much often so she'll be fine for a few more days I guess.

Y/n: Mhm great.

You took a sip from your glass when you looked up again, you noticed him looking you up and down and then staring at your lips. And when he noticed you looked, he slowly started, leaning in!?

Y/n: Uh uhm it's- it's getting real late, I should go.

You grabbed your stuff and practically rushed out of there.

Justin: Oh umm Bye.

He waved as you left but you didn't even look back.

After a 2 minute walk you were back to your room. You opened it with the keys and Tom was strolling around the room with his face in his palms.

He heard you unlock the door and he jumped up to you and took you tightly in his arms the moment he saw you.

Tom: What the fuck! Where did you go? I was so worried.

Y/n: Oh- I, I'm so sorry you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you up.

Tom: You could've told me.. I was worried sick.

Y/n: I'm sorry but- you were asleep right?

Tom: Yeah but you weren't there so I woke up and I was trying to figure out where you went. Oh- Where did you go?

Y/n: Uhm...

Tom: Y/n?

You sighed and looked down.

Tom: What's wrong.. What happened?

Y/n: Listen, Tom, you might consider me too forward. But, I just don't want to be the bad person here and lie to you.

Tom: Ok?? Go ahead.

Y/n: I went to the hotel bar with Justin.

Tom: You what?!

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