Exes and Waters

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You and Tom turned back around and made your way towards him. That's when he noticed Tom with you as well.

Justin: Tom! Hey man.

Tom: Hey.

He said as they gave each other a side hug.

Justin: Hey Y/n, long time no see.

Y/n: Hey Justin.

You gave him a sly smile as he hugged you.

Justin: So, you guys here on like a couple vacation or something.

Tom: Oh I wish, mate. But we're here with a bunch of other friends.

Justin: Cool, cool.

Y/n: What's up? What are you doing here?

Justin: I'm just staying at this hotel for a week because we're filming this music video 10 minutes from here.

Y/n: That's cool.

Justin: Yeah.

Tom was feeling completely left out and it made his blood boil, seeing you have a chat with your ex and the way he was looking at you.

Tom: Uhm it was great to see you mate but, we gotta go now. Have to meet up with the rest.

He made an excuse as quickly as possible.

Justin: Alright cool. See you two around. Bye.

Before you could even say bye, Tom grabbed your hand and pulled you back to your room and shut the door.

Y/n: What the hell was that!??

Tom: What?

Y/n: Seriously Tom?

Tom: C'mon let's get changed we're gonna be late.

You just stood there, with your arms crossed as you stared straight into his eyes, waiting for an answer.

Tom: Ugh ok I had to! He was literally eye fucking you!!

All you could do in that moment was laugh.

Tom: Uh what's going on? This isn't funny you know.

Y/n: Yes it is! He wasn't 'eye fucking' me. We were just talking about random shit because we met after a few years. And... not to mention, he's a fucking married man. So keep your jealousy in control, Holland.

Tom: I hate you.

He huffed like a child.

Y/n: Aww I love you too, now c'mon we need to go.

You both changed into your bathing suits and put clothes over it. You went outside to see everybody already waiting for both of you. And thank god, Justin was gone. You just laughed it off earlier when Tom got all jealous but you actually didn't want to make things awkward.

Chris Hemsworth: You're late.

Zendaya: They're always late, now let's go!!

You all got in 4 different cars like before to go to the beach. But this time, the girls forced you to go in the car with Tom, Haz, Jacob and Sam.

Haz: I'm not driving!!

"Me neither"

They all shouted and you didn't even realize.

Y/n: Ughh I guess I'm gonna have to drive.

The whole ride was a complete mess. They were shouting around and screaming the lyrics to the rap song they had put on.


They ignored you and continued to vibe to their loud music. You shook your head and laughed a little. You loved seeing everyone like this. Just completely chill and fun, nothing to worry about.

You finally reached the beach and your 10 minute torture with the guys was over. You and Tom straight away ran up to the water. You both were silently having a race to see who would reach the water first.

You reached first but you were soon pushed into the water. You came back up removing all your hair from face.

Y/n: Nooo why would you do that?? I'm literally fully clothed right now.

Tom: So.. take it off?

Y/n: As you wish.

He helped you up and you smirked, taking your top off and pulling your shorts down to reveal your new bathing suit that left little to the imagination. He stared at you with wide doe eyes and before he could say something you pushed him in the water.

Tom: Fuck I knew you'd do that!

He said as he stood back up to remove his shirt that was now completely wet. He took it off and it was your turn to stare.

Tom: Take a picture it'll last longer.

He joked.

You both were just getting all handsy when out of nowhere, Haz cleared his throat from behind you causing you both to jump. He pointed towards Robert, who was close by, giving you both death stares.

Y/n: Well, I totally forgot he's here too.

Tom: Of course you did. C'mon let's go in the water.

Y/n: Absolutely not! I'm cold after to pushed me in. So I'm going to go lay in the sun and YOU mister, are going to give me a massage.

He pouted at you with pleading eyes.

Y/n: C'mon we don't have all day.

Lovers on Set: Tom Holland x Downey!Actress!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now