First Shift

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I'm pretty sure we were all tired by the time night fell.
The sun was no longer reflecting off us, and the sounds of other soldiers were no longer noticeable.

I could feel my eyelids growing heavy, feeling my gun slip out of my hands as my head began to fall forward.
As I was just about to fall asleep, I felt the back of a gun hit me.
I glanced up and saw that it was Tom.

"No sleeping during our shift."

"Wha-our shift what do you mean by tha-." I glanced down to see Randy spread out on the ground next to me. He was softly snoring.

"How did I not notice this earlier? Why didn't you tell me we had to sleep in shifts?"

"I thought you knew, it's something you naturally pick up on while on watch."

"What about Stan, he's not sleeping?"

Stan was positioned against the fence, goggles lowered.

"Oh he is, he just learned to sleep standing up, helps to make the enemy believe more people are on duty then there actually are."
"Oh, by bad then Tom"
Tom's shoulders rose and he turned to be, I backed up to the fence. He quickly put his arm to the fence, and stared directly into my eyes.

"You may be dumb as a rock, but do not call me Tom, You and I are not friends, and you do not have the privilege to call me by name. From now on, it's just T, you got that sweetheart?" His voice and gaze was low when he said that.

"S-sure thing T, I apologize for earlier ." My voice was shaking, I did not feel safe being left alone with Tom now.

"Good, back into position, our shift doesn't end until 24 o clock, until then try not to fall asleep."

"I'll try my best." I went back to staring at the road. I was more anxious than ever. But, for some reason I didn't want to stop talking, being able to speak with another person, despite them being as rude as Tom, gave me a weird feeling of comfort.
Like I wasn't alone.

It was just shy of 5 before 24 o clock, and I felt the urge to speak.

"So uh, T? How long have you been here for?"

"Hm, oh I guess 3 years."

"Were you and Stan enlisted together by any chance?"

"I believe he came in a couple months before me."

"Oh that's interesting, I guess."

Silence fell again. I felt like I invaded Toms personal space by asking vague questions

"Hey wait, if you feel more friendly with Stan, why did you decide to take a shift with me?"

"If I left "Lucky 7" and you together, you will fail while taking guard. Absolutely no one will take you guys seriously. Besides, do you even know who to shoot a gun smartass?"
I looked at my feet. "Well I figured I could learn on the spot quickly, isn't that what a good soldier does?"
"Man what a disappointment you are huh. Can't even stand up for yourself when given a good weapon."

A soft beep cut his line short. Stan woke up shortly after and rolled down his glove a bit to reveal a watch. He pressed a button on it and the beeping stopped.

"My turn now Tom." He said, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"You know I can still stay up right?" Tom outstretched his arms in a confident way.

"A good soldier needs rest, no matter how good they may be."

"Well, I'm not sleeping next to him." Tom once again used his gun to point at a still sleeping Randy.

"Go sleep at a distance then, like you always do anyway." Stan pointed behind him.

"Fine, maybe I will." Tom said as he promptly got up and moved a good 8 feet away from us, going to sleep almost instantly.

"Wow, how did he do that?" I asked Stan.

"Eh you learn to sleep anytime while here." Stan said while shaking Randy. "Ya want to help me wake him up?"


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