First Battle

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The crushing of dirt and mechanical wheels were heard, followed by gunshots and bullets soaring across the sky.

We immediately dropped our breakfast and grabbed our guns, our walkie-talkies suddenly blasting orders at us.

I couldn't take off the armor before, but now I don't want to anymore.

"Everyone all geared up?" Yelled Tom
We all lifted our arms to show him our guns and walkie-talkies.

I repeat this is not a drill, two armed high ranked men are approaching vault 7, begain to be heard from through static, all around us.

"Good! Now remember, if we die right here, we'll at least die in glory knowing we put up a good fight!" Tom's face lowered, the light stopped reflecting off his goggles and he looked intensely at the hand reloading his gun.


All three of them lifted their guns and let out a loud yell, I did it too late.

Whatever, it didn't matter right now.

We all went to the fence, both Tom and Stan got down, kneeling in front of one of the dirt structures.

Of course they didn't tell us that, it's always the higher ranks wanting to keep themselves alive.

I noticed a tank getting increasingly closer, other armed people emerged behind the fence and began to fire.

I followed.

The following minute, I was rushing with adrenaline. I didn't register yet that I was killing real people. All I saw was an enemy.

Slowly, my nearby peers, all of them going with a bullet through their skulls.
They crashed against the fence.
I witnessed someone getting run over with the tank.

"Come one we have to move!" Yelled someone. "Everyone spread out, leave no section unguarded!"

I ran away from my "friends".

Needed a better strategy. I had to be a good defender.

I wanted it to stop so badly.

And it almost did.

I unknowingly walked into a bullet's path and


I felt the blood rush to my head as I fell.

Forced Together? (Tankman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now