Breakfast Talk

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All three of us grouped around the tower that was Randy.
Stan pulled out a knife and began to slice open the box.
Inside the box were food pouches, two walkie-talkies and knives.

Tom handed out the pouches, he made sure to toss Randy's at his face.

I got mine and it read, "sausage with hash browns."

I began to open it while watching Stan scoop some instant coffee into 4 water bottles.

"Pst, Y/N. Hey, Y/N."

I turned to Randy.

"Yo you mind giving me my food? I can't exactly get it myself because, you know." He tried to move his arms but alas, they were trapped in the dirt.

"Sure not a problem, I scooted towards Randy to feed him his meal, it read "peanut butter and toast"

We ate breakfast, Stan and Tom talked amongst themselves while I fed Randy, who was enjoying the meal the most out of all of us.

Mine was pretty meh, but it's not like I could get something better.

"Hey Stan, aren't you forgetting something?" Tom muttered with a mouthful of food, pointing his fork to the box.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." He put his rations down and moved to the box. I also put my food down to help Randy out of the dirt, but I still kept my eyes on Stan.

He rummaged through the box for a bit and pulled out the walkie-talkies and knives.
He turned around to see me unburying Randy and helped, all the while Tom laughed.

"Aw man, this will never get old." He wiped a tear from his eye.

"Okay, you free yet Randy?" Said Stan as both me and him backed a bit to gove Randy's uncovered body some space.
Randy looked at his half buried feet and jumped up, only to not move an inch.
He let out a pained grunt.

"I think I pulled my ankles, hold on guys." He said hoarsely.

He bent down to properly unbury his feet and jumped again.

Once freed, he shook his body like a dog, getting it all over me and Stan.

"Aw man be careful we didn't finish our food yet!"

"Randy, I like my food crunchy but damn!"

"Whoops sorry about that guys!" Randy stopped and fixed his armor a bit. "I guess I should have waited."

I went back to eating my food while Stan also fixed his armor.
He cleaned the knives and walkie-talkies and handed them to me and Randy .

The knife I got was more reminiscent of a dagger and was barbed while Randy's looked plain. Both the walkie-talkies were black.

"You need those in case you ever lose your guns. You should never be unarmed. Since this is your first set I guess they're free. If you lose those, you might have to trade with the other soldiers." Explained Stan.

"Trade? Whaddaya mean by that?" Asked Randy.

" We can show you guys if you want." Offered Tom. Stan looked back in disbelief, and looked back at us happily.

"Sure, let's go!"

"Stan wait, these guys need to do one more thing. You two" Tom pulled out his own walkie-talkie and pointed to the dial. "Channel 74, now."
We both nervously played with the dial to match the number.
"Good, now if any of you cone heads get lost today, just use these. Channel 74 is our group's line. If you call another line they will make fun of you for it. Now get a move on, we gotta get to the common area."

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