An Explosive Encounter

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I fell harshly to the ground and instinctively clutched my head and rolled on the floor.

I'm dead, I'm dead, I should be dead

My head getting hot, thoughts and blood quickly rushing through it.

It took me a moment to realize I wasn't severely hit, because when I patted down the top of my head to check for blood, I felt the grainy texture of my hair instead . Now wasn't the time to take off my helmet and check for damage though.

If this thing took a hit, it can take another.

I felt another gush of wind go behind my back, the clang of the fence followed with a low boom.

My body crashed chest forward to the ground once it hit, the pain shocking my entire body, a large piece of debris also flew and hit me square in the head.

Then came white.

I don't know how long I was out for, but I woke up to the horrific sound of my ears ringing. My vision became increasingly blurred, I feared that it was permanent.
I tried to stand up, but my legs felt like laminated paper, I couldn't keep my balance and fell to my knees.

My gun, I thought, I need it now.

I have to show that I still have value.

That I'm still useful.

That I don't have to be tossed away.

I dragged my body across the sandpaper like ground, desperately trying to make out the shape of a weapon.
I could feel all the dirt and jagged debris getting into the crevices of my armor. My chest was being steamrolled with every push forward I did. My legs were writhing in agony.

I saw something black in front of me.

"My g -gun?" I said, my voice was horse as I grabbed the thing I was in front of me.

It didn't feel cold to the touch.

In fact, it moved.

I tried to look up, but my head was too heavy. Besides I couldn't see who it was with the sun almost blacking out their entire face.

I prayed to myself, hoping it was Stan, Tom, or heck even at worst Randy.

I used my remaining energy to say,

"You came back s sir..."

My head descended to the ground, I was panting like a dog, coughing up a bit of the dust filling my lungs.

The figure knelt down and said, "Of course I came back I can't do this without you!" My ears were still ringing so I couldn't attach the voice to anyone I knew.

They grabbed my arm and put it across their shoulders. I desperately leaned against them, inhaling sharply through my teeth as my legs limply turned.

They looked right at me when I did, the harshness of the sun decreased on them. I could vaguely make out the basic shapes that made his face now.


I scrunched up my nose a little bit as I began to realize that this wasn't any of the people I hoped for.

But who was he?

"Looks like you've been awfully quiet Steve," The weirdly confident, yet snarky voice began."I guess that sudden relief took a lot out of you, huh?"


Wasn't that one of the names that vaguely came through in the warning?

Wait, so does this mean this guy's...

Oh no.

My eyes widened in disbelief, I quickly darted them at him,
I just now noticed he lacked an arrow on his helmet.

I am so screwed, I had to think of a way to stay alive. He could kill me on the spot if once he knows who I am.

I fearfully looked around me, despite my newly blurred vision, I clearly noticed small mountains of matte black and deep maroon littering the area where the fence once stood.

I began to hyperventilate, my arm tightening around this guy's neck. I began to worry if my friends were amongst that pile or when I was going to join them.

"Steve, calm down, you're going to crush my windpipe! I shouldn't have dumped such a big load on you. Now I'm down my best man, all because of me." He strapped his gun to his waist and slowly removed my arm off of him.

I quickly tried to make myself stable, but he managed to put his arms under my legs and back, effortlessly carrying me like a newly wedded bride.

It seemed as if I was as light as a feather to him.
I felt something, but I labeled it as just  the blood rushing back into my head.

"Don't you worry your sweet ass Steve, good old Captain John will carry you. Besides, I always take on loads like you"
I moved my face closer to mine, getting a good look into my eyes. I tried my best not to look back.

"Now let's get what we came here for, the grand finale!" Exclaimed Captain in my face, as he softly tossed me up, making his way to the vault.

What did I just force myself to play into?

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