First "Roadtrip"?

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The 4 of us moved together, Tom in the front, strapped, while Stan stayed back to talk to me and Randy.

It was awfully hot, the dirt crunching under our boots.
I wondered how these guys knew which place was which since everything was the same shade of yellow to me.

"Why did you let me sleep all night Stan? This was an awful first impression, I promise I'll do better next time, I know I can." I tried to explain.

"Y/N, you're way too hard on yourself. I've only known you for like 2 days and I can already see that you're an overachiever."

"But you didn't answer my question? Why did you let me sleep?"

"Yeah why did you? I probably have dirt in my ass right now because I slept!" Randy stretched a bit while rubbing his lower back and ass. "Aw man, it feels so itchy."

"Well actually, Tom let you sleep."

"No way, you're pulling my leg."

"No, I'm serious. He felt kinda bad that you stayed up for two hours as a newbie, so he let you sleep while me and him messed with Randy. We kinda lost track of Tom and let you oversleep."

"Don't you have that watch though?"

Stan took off his glove, and checked his watch. He tapped it slightly.
He pouted a bit, "Batteries dead, good thing we're heading to the common area anyway."
He removed it and put it in his pocket, putting the glove back on afterwards.

"What exactly is the common area?"

"It's more like a plaza," Randy begin. ", from what I heard from these two it's a place where other soldiers meet up to trade, get their things repaired and talk about plans or things in general. There are more than one of these places around these parts."

"Huh, neat. Hey Randy, quick question, but how long have you been here?."

"Like a week, give or take. I used to be in another group for like 3 days, but they broke it up and merged it with other teams ."

"And that's why I'm hard on you, conehead." Tom loudly spoke from infront. "I still don't consider you one of us yet."

"Sure, but you already went a little soft with Y/N huh, it's like a woman comes and all of a sudden you're melting like ice cream." Randy began to ramble. He began to hold his hands together and pretended to wear a suit.
"Look at me, I'm such a ladies man! I act so nice in front of a woman in hopes that she will keep talking to me!" He mockingly said.

Me and Stan laughed, but Tom turned around and tossed his glove at Randy's face. He fell down comedically.
"Oh! Don't look at me! I've been struck down by the ladies man!" He threw his hands up while on the ground. "Guys you have to avenge me, please it's my last wish, barg." He stuck his tongue out, pretending to be dead.

"I get his rations." Said Stan quickly afterwards.
"Yeah, and I want his knife." I responded joking.

"Oi, y'all can take my knife, but not my food, I still want that even if I'm dead." Retaliated Randy as he sprung back up, running to catch up.

There three of us were all laughing as Tom stayed silent.
I could have sworn I heard him cock his gun. He even began to break into a run.
"Hey Tom, wait up! Come on guys, let's get moving!" He ran after Tom, the rest of us following.

Tom was running weirdly. It was a zigzag rather than straight.

But boy, can that guy run. The armor seemed to get heavier the more I kept moving. I have more respect for all these guys here now.

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