Mission Fufilled?

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Captain began to confidently walk to that vault. He made sure to step on some of the bodies.

"Take that ya dirty piss drinkers!" He shouted as he placed his boot over someone's head, crushing it. The red oozed onto his boot. As he moved it up, even darker red clumps stuck to his shoe.

He laughed smugly. I gagged a little bit and put my head on his shoulders in case I was going to hurl.

"What's the matter Steve? First you're not talking to me, now you're not even enjoying seeing the enemy crumble at our feet?"

That's right, I can't speak to him.
I mean, what was I supposed to do at this moment? I didn't even know what this Steve guy even sounded like, so trying to impersonate him was definitely off the table.

I got off him and pointed to my throat, shaking my hand while frowning. Then, I coughed a bit, letting out more dust.
This time I was glad it did.

"Ah so I see that some of those bastards left a bit of their own load lodged in up in there, huh?" He shook his head and clicked his tongue.
"I should have given you a better escape plan." He sounded sincere.

He repositioned his arms and increased his grasp on me, I could feel his gloved fingers digging into my side.


We reached the vault.

Captain was about to open the door, when he remembered that he couldn't do it without being thrown off balance.
He didn't want to further hurt Steve's legs.

So he moved to the wall next to the door. He leaned against it so he could wedge me in between him and said wall. He propped his knee up and pushed the door.

The lower part of his face came closer to the top of my head. I could feel his hot breath through the hole in my helmet. His chest slightly pressed onto my face, his chest armor moving slightly as he breathed.

I felt his arm return to me as he shifted my weight in his arms while walking through the door frame.

The vault was dimly lit and looked like a plain pale yellow color.

"Look at this Steve" He began, l looked up to see him smiling wide. "Take the glasses off me, so I can get the best look at this absolute beauty."
My hands shook when he said this, but I obliged, gripping my hand on their thick bridge, pulling them off. Unknowingly, I had just unwrapped a stunning pair of eyes.

One almost looked black while the other was light grey color grey. Above them there were slightly thick brows. He had bags under his eyes but they weren't that noticeable. Without the goggles being the main focal point of his face, I noticed he had a bit of stubble on his chin.

I blushed.

With me being so close to his face, the Captain obviously noticed.
"Heh, I'd be blushing too at the sight of this, but keep those emotions to yourself Steve. You wanna take those things off your face to let out some tears too?" He awkwardly moved me around so he could reach my face.

I snapped back to reality and quickly swatted it away. He pulled it back and smiled.

"I see you want to shield those lovely eyes of yours so you don't get blinded by the sheer beauty of it." He chuckled, closing his eyes as his thick brows pushed together, making me blush harder

I turned away from him and focused on the podium carved out of stone.

We moved closer to it.

Captain's eyes begin to widen.

"Oh ho ho, finally!" He moved his arms like an activated trap door and down I went. I let out a grunt, but he ignored it.
He was just so entranced with whatever was placed on that podium.

The Captain rubbed his hands together, then he grabbed the disc. He held it in front of him, turning it around as he gushed with noises of excitement and accomplishment.

He turned to me, pointed at it with a cute smile on and gleefully exclaimed,

"We did it Steve! We can finally watch all of Titanic with proper inflection! And it's all thanks to you!"

He rushed over and hugged me. I was surprised, I returned the hug, embracing him.
He pulled out and rested his hands on my shoulders, and his eyes softened.

"I'm proud of you once again, soldier. You have yet to fail me, you truly are my best man."

He saluted me.

I fumbled with his goggles but saluted back.

He patted my shoulders heavy handily and put the dvd in my hands. "Keep this safe will ya?"

"C-cap" I said raspily, holding the goggles and dvd to my heart, looking back at him with a clearly touched expression.

He looked at me for a brief moment. I just wish I could say more, but I couldn't.

"You were anyway one for praise, now let me get you off that ground."

Once again I was hoisted up in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him, making sure I was holding his onto goggles well.

I buried my face into his chest, savoring the moment.

We were only a few steps in when the Captain stopped.

I looked up in confusion.
He was baring his teeth, pupils dilated as his eyes narrowed. He took a step back and reached for his gun.

I turned to see out the door and heard shuffling footsteps, along with a clack right right outside the vault.

My grasp on the goggles tightened.

"We know you're in there, come out with your hands up so we can get a better shot at your heart."

The voice was like a kick to the head.

I went cold as I realized whose hand I was going to die by.

Forced Together? (Tankman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now