Not Ready!

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I was woken up by the sun shining in my eyes. Confused, I covered them, only to stand up in shock when I realized it was the morning.

Oh no I fell asleep while on duty!

How many shifts did I miss?

Did Tom punt me in my sleep as punishment?

I quickly checked my body for bruises.


I should go and apologize to Tom and Stan. I failed them.

"Rough night, ey private?" Said an unfamiliar voice, they sounded like they were forcing themselves to speak.
I looked up while briefly adjusting my chest plate and noticed it was the same jerk who convinced me to join this place.

He had a helmet with an arrow on it like the rest of us, had a thunderbolt on his shoulders, his goggles where the normal line ones except the ends were sharp triangles facing upwards.

He had a helmet with an arrow on it like the rest of us, had a thunderbolt on his shoulders, his goggles where the normal line ones except the ends were sharp triangles facing upwards

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"Oh, it's you." I said harshly.

"Yeah, I get that a lot private." He flicked his hand at me."I know you hate me, but frankly, I love it." He laughed a bit but was cut off by his buddy.
"Captain, aren't you going to give her something?" He said. This guy didn't look special, in fact his uniform didn't look altered in any way.

" Ugh, why do you always have to interrupt, Tim? I didn't even give you permission to speak

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" Ugh, why do you always have to interrupt, Tim? I didn't even give you permission to speak."
"Sorry about that Captain, I just got excited like always." Tim put his hand to his head and gave a hearty laugh.
"Why do I keep you around?" The Captain began to walk away, and Tim was just about to follow, but he stopped to come back. He pulled out a package of some sorts out of nowhere and tossed it to me.

"Enjoy! Have a good day ma'am!" He said, waving as the Captain pulled him by the arm, dragging him.
Tim looked happy about it though.

Man those two are strange.
I examined the package. It smelt weird. I shook it.

"I don't understand, they should be here by now." I heard from a distance.

"Stan!" I said just a little bit too loud.

"Oh, she's up!" Said Stan, sounding closer.

"About time."

I hope I didn't sound too happy when calling for Stan, I mean I did just know him for a day, he might just be being nice to me since it's the right thing to do.
I shouldn't get overly attached either way.

Stan ran up to me, he noticed the box.

"Do you know what this is?" I handed it to him.

"Yeah our rations, we can eat. Oh! Tom go get Randy for me."

"Oh, that guy is so far gone. I couldn't keep him up for more than 10 minutes at a time."

"Where is he anyway, I haven't seen him all morning." I said, looking around me again.

"Oh, we'll he's right here my dear." He confidently strolled to a pile of dirt, presenting it to us proudly.

"Did he get shot this morning or something?" I asked Stan.

"Yeah, you remember when I told you about sleep initiation?"
I nodded my head.
Tom wiped some of the dirt off the pile to reveal that Randy was in it!

I stood up in shock.

"Oh my gosh you tried to bury him alive!" I pointed at him. "You tried to kill him!"

"Pish, relax, he's still awake, see?" He poked Randy's cheek, causing him to walk up.
"Oh hey T!" He said cheerfully.

"Wah? After all I did yesterday, you wake up this easily now!?" Exclaimed Tom.

"Uh yeah I guess so." His stomach rumbled a bit. "Did Captain and Tim come yet?"

"They sure did!" Stan lifted the box.

"Oh boy, help me out of this dirt will yah T?"
Tom looked at him and promptly ignored him. "Nah, this is what you get for sleeping"

"Aw man"

Both me and Stan laughed.

Forced Together? (Tankman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now