Chapter Eight

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While McKenna was out with Shannon, Loki got the twins fed and down for their naps, along with Aislinn, and while those three slept, he and Selig battled it out in MarioKart.

"Rainbow Road, Daddy?" Selig groaned, flopping backward on the sofa. "I'm awful at this!"

"So am I." Loki smiled at him. "But it'll be fun to see which of us is the worst."

"I always fall off," Selig grumbled, although he sat upright once more as the game started up.

Loki wasn't much better at it, biting back a swear as his car went flying off the rainbow loop while Selig blazed by him and into first place. The doorbell rang as Loki's car was lifted back onto the track. He paused the game and stood, tucking his phone into his front pocket. "Hold on, Sel. I'll be right back. Do you need more juice while I'm up?"

Selig shook his head. "No, but can I have a snack?"

"What do you want?"


"How about some fruit instead?"

Selig made a face. "Ugh. Okay. A banana?"

"I'll get it as soon as I get rid of whoever's at the door." Loki winked at him as he jogged to the door and pulled it open.

His smile faded as James O'Neill said, "Please... just... I want to talk to McKenna."

"She's not here and I think it would be best if you didn't come back again. She's already-"

"She's my daughter, Loki. My only child."

"And it's best if you just leave her be." Loki pulled the door closed behind him. "She does not wish to see you or speak with you and she'd be upset if she knew you were here."

"Maybe you could talk to her. Tell her I'm sorry."

Loki folded his arms over his chest. He stood at least five inches taller than O'Neill. "No. I have to respect her wishes and she wishes to be left alone."

O'Neill sighed, rubbing his hand over his bald head. "I understand why she's angry. I understand why she hates me. What I did was unforgivable. But..."

"You walked out on her. You just left her. Yes, that's unforgivable."

O'Neill shook his head. "I tried to come back but her mother wouldn't let me near her. Told me to leave her be, that she was better off without me. Which was probably right. I was a drunk. I was a mess. But I'm not any longer."

His blue eyes were red and he didn't even try to halt the tears that spilled over to course along his leathery cheeks. "I know I made a terrible mistake. I should have fought harder to see her, to be part of her life. But I thought I was doing what was best."

Loki sighed softly. "It isn't my decision, James. It isn't up to me and I will not force McKenna to speak with you if she doesn't wish to."

"Tell me at least how many grandchildren I have. Please."

Loki glanced at the front windows, although he couldn't see into the family room. Truth be told, he felt sorry for the old man on his front steps. Rubbing his chin with one hand, Loki turned back to O'Neill. "Four. Two boys and two girls."

O'Neill smiled. "Really? How old?"

"Selig's five. Well, he'll be five in October. Aislinn will be two on Christmas. Our youngest, Nicholas and Kyra, are twins and they are six weeks old."

"Can I see them?"

"That is something you'll have to ask McKenna." Loki dug his phone from his pocket and toggled to his pictures. He scrolled through, finding the most recent one of the four children. It had been taken in Asgard, on the beach not far from the Sølvfoss-the Silver Falls, that was his and McKenna's special, private spot.

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