Chapter Twenty-Four

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The news of Loki's return spread through Asgard like wildfire and by nightfall, everyone in the realm knew of the great hoax he and Odin pulled off, and why. People cheered, despite the deception and McKenna couldn’t stop smiling as they sat atop the dais in the dining hall that night. Now she knew why Odin kept urging her not to sell the house, or why he refused to remove Loki's chair in the dining hall. He knew his son would return.

McKenna skimmed her hand against the back of Loki's, letting it come to rest atop his, and she laced her fingers with his. She couldn’t help it. She had to keep touching him, had to convince herself this was her reality and not just some amazing, wonderful dream.

Loki eased his hand from beneath hers and shifted to catch hers once more. He smiled over at her as his thumb caressed hers and his lips brushed her ear as he leaned over to whisper, “I cannot wait to get you alone, love. We have much time to make up for.”

She shivered, her eyes closing briefly as she replied, “That we do, indeed.”

He squeezed her hand and sat upright as Odin rose from his chair and held up a hand for silence. It swept through the crowd as if he’d flicked a switch, and he cleared his throat to say, “By now, everyone is aware that Loki has returned to Asgard alive and well and in one piece, and he’s brought back both missing stones. You know of his deception and why it had to be done, and now we celebrate his return—to Asgard, but more importantly, to his wife McKenna and their children. They have suffered more greatly during this time than any one of us and I commend Princess McKenna on the way she conducted herself during this trying time.”

McKenna smiled and bobbed her head as the crowds cheered. Loki squeezed her hand again, pressing it into his thigh as Odin added, “And to celebrate, there will be a ball tomorrow evening, in honor of Loki's return.”

Thor leaned back in his chair and reached around to jab Loki in the shoulder. “You should die more often, brother.”

“Bite your tongue,” McKenna told him, only half-joking. “He should never, ever die again.”

“He doesn’t plan on it,” Loki broke in, squeezing her hand again. “At least not for a very long time.”

“Which puts my mind at ease,” she said.

He winked, then leaned over and everyone below them seemed to sigh as one as he brushed her lips with a kiss. His lips were so soft and warm, and she couldn’t help but sigh as the kiss deepened. Never again would she take even the most innocent of his kisses for granted.

His hand came up, his fingertips coming to rest on her jaw, and the tip of his tongue eased between her lips to tease hers. The sigh became a roar of approval and when Loki pulled back, his grin was full of mischief and his eyes were a swirl of aqua. “I love you, Midgardian,” he murmured, tracing the tip of his thumb along her bottom lip.

“I love you, too, Jötunn,” she said, unable to hold back her smile as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “I thought I would never feel one of your kisses again.”

“You never need worry about that, darling girl,” he murmured. “Never.”

For the first time in months, she was really, truly happy. Everything was as it should be once more.


After dinner, Loki gave her hand a gentle squeeze and leaned over to whisper, “Come with me, love. I feel this great need to have you all to myself.”

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