Chapter Forty-One

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As he stretched out beside McKenna in bed later that night, Loki reached for her hand, threading his fingers through hers. "Why're you so quiet?"

"No real reason," she replied, the sheets rustling as she eased her hand free and rolled onto her side to face him. Although it was dark, he could just make out her features. She looked tired.


"It's silly..."

"What is?"

She tucked one hand beneath her head. "I was just thinking about the other night. When I blindfolded you."

He smiled, the memory of that amazing night making his blood feel warmer than usual. "What about it?"

"Well... do you look at me differently now?"

"Differently?" He shook his head. "No. Why?"

"Well, because."

"Because of that?" He waited for her to nod, then asked, "Did you look at me differently when I bound your wrists?"


"So, why should I see you differently?" He rose onto his elbow, propping his head on his fist.

"I don't know. Like I said, I was afraid I'd freak you out."

"Darling girl, there is nothing you could do or say that would freak me out, as you keep worrying about." He trailed his fingers down along her arm. "If anything, it only drives home just how much you trust me, when you let me do something like that. And now you know I trust you just as much."

She sighed softly and her eyes slid shut as he traced his fingertips back up toward her shoulder. "I do trust you, Loki... I always have."

"I know. As I trust you, McKenna. There is no one in any one of the nine realms I trust the way I do you." He leaned forward and brushed her lips with a light kiss. "And you needn't worry about freaking me out, love. If you wish to explore in our bedroom, I am ever your willing partner."

She curved into him, sliding her arms about his neck and pressed herself against him. Her lithe body was warm and soft against him, and her lips found his in a slow, deep kiss that had him easing himself over her. Damn, she felt so wonderful against him, he could never get enough of her, no matter what. And he wanted to make damn sure she knew that as well.


The house was dark and quiet when McKenna padded down into the kitchen. A nightmare jolted her from sleep—one she couldn't recall beyond images that were shapeless and gray and as menacing as hell. She sat upright, sweating and fighting to breathe and she slipped from bed so she wouldn't wake Loki. The urge to check on the children, to make certain they were all right, was impossible to ignore, even as she chided herself for her foolishness a visit to each room assuaged her fear.

But the thought of going back to sleep terrified her. So down she went for a cup of hot chocolate and a bit of peace and quiet.

The refrigerator light sliced through the gray of early, early dawn. She tugged out the gallon of milk, setting it on the counter as she stretched to pluck a saucepan from the pot rack. She poured a cup of milk into the saucepan, lit the burner, and set the pan down on the flame to heat the milk.

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