Chapter Thirty-Two

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In the days following the ball, life finally began getting back to normal. McKenna no longer feared either going to sleep or waking up, even if she did feel a tiny hint of relief each morning when she opened her eyes and found herself beneath Loki's protective arm, felt the coolness of his body against her back. And thankfully, Selig seemed to adjust as well.

Aislinn, however, was a bit slower to come around. She did her best to become Loki's shadow, insisting on sitting on his lap at meals, and rarely letting him out of her sight. At night, he couldn't leave her room until she was asleep and her nightmares continued.

They planned on leaving for New Jersey in a few days, after Selig's birthday and McKenna couldn't remember the last time she looked so forward to going home. For the first time since the night Loki told her he was going in search of the Infinity Stones, she wasn't dreading going to their house. For the first time since that night, she would be happy to be there, surrounded by the memories of the life they'd built together.

Selig's fifth birthday was, in his words, the best one ever, as he spent it racing around with his friends on a beautiful, sunny afternoon. That night, when McKenna came in to tuck him into bed, he was still smiling.

She perched on the edge of his bed. "Did you have a good birthday, Sel?"

"Mommy, it was the best one ever and you know what the best present was?"

"What's that, love?"

"That Daddy was here."

She hadn't expected him to answer with that, and unexpected tears pricked the backs of her eyes. "You should tell him that, sweetie. I think he'd like to hear it."


"I'll send him in." She patted him through the covers, then bent over to kiss his forehead. "Good night, my big five year old boy. Happy Birthday."

He threw his arms about her neck and gave her a squeeze. "Thank you, Mommy."

She untangled herself and made her way to the Throne Room, where Loki and Odin were deep in discussion about something. Her belly gave a nervous twist. No. Odin couldn't possibly be sending him somewhere else now. Not yet.

But both men smiled as she crested the aisle and Odin waved her down. "You needn't look so worried, McKenna."

"Does it show that much?"

Loki nodded. "You look ready to throttle someone."

"Do I have reason to?" she asked, looking from Loki to Odin and back.

"Not at all." Loki held out a hand. "Which of us were you looking for?"

"You. Selig's waiting for his goodnight from you."

Turning to Odin, Loki said, "Excuse me a minute, Allfather."

"Of course. Duty calls."

Catching McKenna by the hand, Loki said, "Stop frowning, love. I promise you, I am not going anywhere except back to New Jersey come tomorrow."

She waited until they were out on the promenade before saying, "Are you really not going anywhere?"

He gave her hand a squeeze. "I am not going anywhere." With that, he brought her hand to his lips and brushed it with a kiss. "I promise you, darling girl, I'm not leaving."

"You better not be or else I swear I'll kick your Jötunn ass."

His chuckle rolled out like a thick fog. "Somehow, I'm not exactly frightened."

Coming Home (Sequel to This Time Around)Where stories live. Discover now