Chapter Thirty-One

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It was nearly three by the time McKenna and Loki made it back to their chambers after the ball. As she pushed the door closed, Loki slid his arm about her waist and leaned over to brush a kiss over her ear. "How sleepy are you, love?"

She shivered at the growling purr in his voice. "I take it you're recovered from the pergola?"

"Darling girl, I only need a few minutes before I'm ready to go again."

Another perk to being married to a god. She smiled at him over her shoulder. "Is that so?"

He pressed up against her and she shivered as he gently poked her at the small of her back. "What do you think?"

"I think you put Midgardian men to shame, Jötunn."

"I certainly hope so."

"Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of me." She smothered a yawn, her eyes growing heavy-lidded as he brushed her hair aside to sweep a kiss along her nape. "Oh... that feels so nice..."

"Give me five minutes, darling girl, and you'll be begging me to take you."

She laughed, but he proved her right and somehow, she didn't think it took more than three minutes tops before she did just as he predicted. Still, she wasn't complaining as he sank into her and his breath came warm upon the slope of her neck. "Mmmm...." she murmured, brushing his hair back over his left ear, "you are amazing, Jötunn..."

"I have good material to work with," he replied in a breathless whisper.

She shivered as he shifted to lay beside her, drawing her into his arms. The heat from their encounter evaporated from his skin, and the coolness that seeped into her was quite welcomed. He kissed the top of her head and murmured, "I love you," in a sleepy voice.

"I love you, too," she whispered back, fighting to keep her eyes open. "So, five more minutes and you'll be ready again?"

A tired laugh floated into the darkness. "I think I've hit my limit tonight, darling girl. Try me in the morning."

"Oh, I definitely will." She let her eyes close as sleep crept over her like a stealthy cat. It was her favorite way to drift off, in Loki's arms, the remnants of her climax still rippling through her.

"Mommy!" Aislinn's terrified shriek echoed all through the corridor, jolting McKenna from her doze. "Mommy! Mommy!"

"Oh... god..." McKenna rolled over and squinted at the clock. It was almost four in the morning. Another nightmare.


McKenna swung her legs over the side of the bed and reached for her robe, tugging it on as she stood.


"I'm coming, little bit." McKenna bit back a swear as she smashed her foot against the doorjamb and pain exploded through it. Aislinn's shrieks grew louder still and by the time McKenna was pushing open her door, Aislinn was in hysterics.

"Shhh..." McKenna scooped her up and cradled her close. "It's okay, little bit, Mommy's here."

Aislinn threw her arms around McKenna's neck, almost cutting off her air from how tight she squeezed. "Daddy... daddy...."

"Shhh... baby girl, it's okay. Daddy's here." McKenna rocked her, smoothing her hair with one hand. "He's sleeping in our room, sweetie. I promise you, he's right there."

"No... he's gone, Mommy. Daddy's gone."

"No, he isn't, darling girl. Remember? He's home. He's been home for two days now."

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