Chapter Twenty-Three

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When she opened her eyes, it was to a rare, gray, dreary, rainy day. Although she’d actually managed to sleep a few hours before her dreams woke her, she was groggy and in desperate need of coffee.

Her dreams had been odd. When she and Loki first met, and they were on the run from the Chitauri and sharing a room at a beachfront B&B, she often dreamed of him slipping into bed beside her. It was always the same dream and so real that when she woke to find him on the love seat, she was disappointed.

That dream plagued her on and off all night. And each time she woke, her heart sank and her breath hitched because each time, she was so certain he’d be there.

And she woke up alone.

Her mood didn’t improve when it took three shots to get her jeans on and even longer to wriggle into an oversized Rutgers hoodie. By the time she made it to the dining room and found coffee, she was ready to kill someone.

“Princess McKenna?”

She turned as Royce’s voice wafted over her left shoulder. “What?”

“The Allfather has requested your presence in the Throne Room.”

“Really? Can it wait until I’ve at least had a cup of coffee? I didn’t sleep for squat last night.”

He frowned. “I do not understand.”

“Forget it.” She set the cup down with a dull thud, and rubbing her forehead with one hand, followed Royce. “Why? What did I do now? He’s already lectured me about leaving here yesterday without you or Sif.”

“Which was very foolish, Your Highness. What if someone had been waiting for you?”

“Please. Who would—” Then she remembered the mysterious intruder who’d gotten in the night Loki told her he was leaving for Titan—“very well… he was right and I was wrong and I’m not doing it again. But does it really warrant a second lecture?”

“I think he wishes to tell you that the Infinity Gems have been recovered and brought back here this morning.”

She stopped in her tracks and grabbed his sleeve. “What?”

Royce skidded to a stop. “I said, the In—”

“No, I heard you. They’re here?” Her heart rose a little. “So it wasn’t in vain, then, was it?”

“No, Your Highness. Not in vain at all. Whatever it is.”

“Loki's death. How did they get here?”

“That I do not know. All I was told is that a messenger appeared with Thor this morning and he had the stones in his possession.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “And Thanos?”

Royce shook his head. “He evaded capture, I’m afraid.”

She didn’t care. “Well, I guess since you’ve told me, I can just go and get my coffee now.”

As she turned to go back to the dining hall, Royce grabbed her arm and spun her back the opposite way. “I beg your pardon, Your Highness, but you still need to come with me.”

“Ow. Easy, killer,” she scowled up at him as she rubbed her arm, “there’s no need to tear my arm off.”

“I apologize. But when the Allfather summons you, it is wise to answer that summons.”

“Fine.” Her good mood slipped some and by the time they were at the Throne Room, she was ready to bribe Royce to fetch her coffee.

The page pulled open the door and she sighed. “I’m starting to hate this room.”

Coming Home (Sequel to This Time Around)Where stories live. Discover now