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Hello fellow readers!!! Another book I have started that I want to enter in the Wattys. So please show your love and support by voting/commenting. I hope you enjoy!


Hyejin entered her house hearing the all too familiar shouting.

"I can't believe you're blaming me for YOUR mistake!"

"Because you are to blame!"

"Who made the choice of moving here? I sure as hell know it's not me."

Hyejin took her shoes off and held onto her bag strap. Making her way slowly to the kitchen to see her parents yet again, arguing. She glanced at the stairs to see her little brother waiting at the top of the stairs, eyes red from crying.

"I'm home."

They stopped yelling and looked to see their daughter calm. "Perfect timing! I need you to explain to your father that he is wrong!"

"No, explain to your mother that she is wrong!"

"I don't want to be dragged into this..."

"See! Even Hyejin wants nothing to do with you!"

"She doesn't want anything to do with you, you piece of shit!" Both her and her mom's eyes went wide as they looked at the man. Unbeknown to him, he was holding a knife, eyes filled with anger and hatred towards his supposed 'wife'.

"Dad...please calm down and put the knife down." Hyejin dropped her bag and pulled her mom towards her, shielding her.

"Hyejin, you're not taking your mom's side are you?" He looked at her with a sad expression but it was creepy.

"I will unless you put the knife down Dad. This doesn't need to get violent." He looked at his right hand holding the knife. He was giving it a good squeeze and having a firm grip on it. He mumbled something to himself, "Dad what did you say?"

"Maybe I don't want to put it down." He said confidently as he looked back at them with a blank look. At this point, Hyejin did not know who the man was standing in front of them. "Mom, I need you to take Tae and run."

"I'm not leaving you to fight this man alone. You won't last,"

"And you won't either unless you leave now."

"Jinnie, come to daddy. You know that I'm right. Your mom is the wrong one here."

"Okay." Hyejin walked over to him, he dropped the knife and opened his arms. She was scared for her life, she didn't want to do this but she needed to make sure her mom and Tae will be okay.

Once in his arms, she turned around to watch her mom carry Tae who was reaching out for his sister. But all she could do was shed a tear and wave goodbye one last time.

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