21: Beach Trip pt. 2

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Hyejin woke up, feeling sick. She ran to the bathroom and headed straight for the toilet. Not able to throw up, she washed her face. Only to not find her soap that was on the right side of the sink. Wiping her face off of the excess water, she looked around but realized the things in her bathroom are not hers. 

Grabbing a folded towel, she wiped her face and walked out of the bathroom quietly. Looking to the right, she saw her shoes and someone else's next to it. Then in front of her, was someone else's luggage. She began to slowly walk back towards the two queen beds to see who else is in the room. She made out a body, or two, underneath one bed and the other bed was where she got out of, with someone else in it. 

She didn't know who but all she saw was a foot. Knowing enough she internally screamed. Not remembering what happened last night, she wanted to go back to her room. That's if I'm still in the same hotel

She looked at herself to realize, thankfully, she was fully clothed in what she wore last night. Seeing her bag on the chair by the bed, she quietly walked over to get it. Tiptoeing back to the entrance, she began to slip on her shoe when she heard a groan and a yawn.

Freezing in her tracks, she hoped whoever was there wouldn't catch her. Then a figure appeared in a disheveled look, "Hyejin where are you going so early in the morning?" Jimin asked as he was rubbing his eyes and approaching her, shirtless.

She turned around and began talking to the door. "Hyejin, why aren't you looking at me?"

"I will once you put a shirt on Jimin." 

"Shi..." She could hear him quickly run over to a suitcase, the zipper working fast and then the aggressive shut of it. "Okay I have a shirt on now. You can look."

Slowly turning around and opening her eyes, she was relieved. "Alright, what happened last night Jimin? I remember nothing."

"That's to be expected. You were out after two drinks. Surprisingly you lasted longer than I thought you would, which was at one cup."

"What are you talking about? I had two drinks? Of what, beer? Soju?"


Hyejin went back to the bed and laid down. She felt someone next to her begin to move then they sat up in the bed. Looking, she was more relieved that it was only Taehyung. "Noona? You're up early, go back to sleep."

"I can't Tae. I'm trying to remember what happened last night but Jimin isn't being of help."

"Hey, I haven't gotten to the good part yet!"

"Then get there quicker. Just tell me if I did something embarrassing or bad."

"Well you didn't really. You were actually cute." Jimin said and Hyejin sat up, too fast to her liking, but she looked over at him.

"What do you mean I was acting cute? I don't act cute. I don't even know how to act cute."

"Well your drunk side knows how to Noona. It felt like I was watching a 5-year-old kid." 

"Explain in further details please."

"Noona, you seriously did nothing last night okay? You were just acting cute and doing aegyo is all. You did nothing bad okay?"

"Nothing bad, but embarrassing. Ugh, I just know you guys will tease me about it later on."

"It'll be okay, really. Now since we're all up, we might as well get the others and go down for breakfast." Jimin said as he began to shake the person next to him. They were still sleeping and groaned here and there as Jimin kept shaking, smacking and yelling loudly.

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