14: The Beginning of Many Firsts

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"Hyejin are you going back home?" Yoongi asked her while the others were walking slowly behind them.

"Yeah, why?"

"I'll take you then. I want to talk to you about something,"

"Alright then,"

"Okay guys I'll take Hyejin home first. I'll see y'all at the dorm," the maknae's began to tease Yoongi who rolled his eyes and began walking back with Hyejin. Once they got in the car, Hyejin had to ask first what's on his mind.

"I can tell that you were thinking of something back there. I don't know what but you were feeling annoyed or upset about it when the guys began to tease you."

"It's nothing Yoongi, don't worry."

"Well how can I not worry when you always have that same expression when someone teases you. As if you're clueless,"

"Well that's because I am. I don't know anything when it comes to romance and relationships. I've never experienced it before."

It became silent except for the noisy streets and sidewalks as they passed it.

"Hyejin, don't worry about it. It just means the right guy hasn't come yet,"

"The right one will never come," Hyejin exasperated and Yoongi felt the need to do something.

"How about this, if you'd like, I can help you?"

"How so?"

They came to a red light and Yoongi looked at her with a warm smile on his face, "Let's go out on a date."


Hyejin opened her door and once she closed it, she leaned against it. Not exactly knowing how she ended up going on a date with Yoongi.

Ugh. I just need to freshen up.

After her long hot shower, she got ready for bed. Laying down, she kept tossing and turning. Her mind wouldn't calm down and her heart beat wouldn't slow down. She began to replay in her mind what happened.

"Huh? You're joking right?"

"No, I'm being serious. Let's go out on a date. You and me."

"I understand the concept of dating Yoongi, but please don't do it because you're trying to help me out."

"I'm not. I know I just said I am, but I really would like to go out on a date with you."


"I think I like you."

Hyejin felt her heart beating faster and her cheeks getting warm. "Um, what? How? Why?"

Yoongi saw it was green so he began to drive but continued the conversation. "I don't really know. It just happened, but I know that I feel something towards you. So if you'd like, we can give us a shot."

"Yoongi I didn't even know there was an 'idea' of us...but why not. Okay,"

Yoongi had to do a double take and was so happy, he couldn't stop smiling. Hyejin noticed and thought to herself that she made a good choice.

Yoongi parked the car and quickly as before, he ran around to open the door for Hyejin. "Are you going to do this every time?" She teased him making him sheepishly smile. "Maybe... but that's because I want to open the door for you,"

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