33: Interview

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A month had passed since the news of Yoongi and Hyejin's relationship. As of late, there have been more hate than love and the members aren't sure what to do anymore. Everyone was at the company, discussing solutions.

"I don't understand why they're still doing this. They should accept it that Yoongi hyung and Hyejin are together." Jimin exasperated.

"I understand how all of you feel, but keep in mind. There are a lot more close-minded than open-minded. They literally see quantity over quality." BTS' manager said and everyone sat silently. The world doesn't know how their relationship is off camera but it's the best one they've had. Everyone who sees the couple on a daily basis, whether it be at work or home with the guys, they know Yoongi and Hyejin understand each other on the same level. Regardless of age.

"I just wish they'd mind their own businesses." Hyejin finally spoke after being quiet since the start. Yoongi knows Hyejin is feeling stressed out and there is only so much he can do.

"What if Hyejin and I share our thoughts? On a live or something?" Yoongi suggested, "Ultimately, our real fans would support us. Right now, all this hate is coming from the older generation. Which unfortunately, majority consists of the news crew."

"Yoongi I understand where you're coming from. I think doing the live might work. The younger generation can overpower the older." Their manager said.

Bang PD joined in, "I just had a thought. We can reach out to other couples who have large age gaps and we can do a short interview with them. Just to show everyone that you two are not alone and things do work out."

"That's a very good idea PD-nim." Namjoon said and everyone agreed. The meeting ended on that uplifting idea. Yoongi and Hyejin would wait for their manager and Bang PD to set the date.


"I'm nervous Yoongi."

"Don't be. Think of it as talking to a friend."

"But...they're famous people."

"You weren't nervous meeting us so why with them?"

"That's because I didn't know you guys. Now that I'm not locked up, I can actually watch TV, I know these people." Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she was.

"Alright, I understand. If you want to, you can hold my hand anytime okay?" Once those words came out of his mouth, Hyejin did not hesitate and held it tightly. The two made their way to the studio, seeing everyone else being mic'd up and doing last few touches. They all respectively greeted one another and introduced themselves.

"Are you okay Hyejin-ssi? You look pale." Jo Eunjung asked worriedly.

"I'm just really nervous right now." Hyejin spoke a bit quietly so Yoongi continued for her, "She hasn't had the chance to interact with others aside from my friends and I."

"Oh I understand. Don't worry about a thing okay? Your manager has informed us of why we're doing this and we all want you two to know we support you. Right now, think of us as your friends okay? Please be comfortable around us."

Hyejin flashed a smile to everyone, "Thank you so much."

"Alright, we're about to go live in 5... 4... 3..."

"Hello everyone, I'm your host Yoo Jaesuk. If everyone can please introduce themselves and their age gap."

Yoongi and Hyejin introduced themselves first, the other couples invited were: So Jisub and Jo Eunjung (17 year age gap), Kim Heechul and Hirai Momo (13 year age gap), Lee Byung Hun and Lee Min Jung (12 year age gap), Shin Minah and Kim Woobin (6 year age gap), Jung Kyungho and Choi Sooyoung (6 year age gap).

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