"my heart is vain // and, baby, so is yours"

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This chapter's lyric is from "Never Fall In Love" by Jack Antonoff and MØ.




I was constantly tossing and turning that night. Every time I finally got to sleep, I woke up again a half hour later, mind whirring, wondering if it was worth it to wake May, and repaying the evening in my head.

"Harley, I'm Spiderman."

He hadn't said "what?" or "you're Spiderman?!". He had just taken it for what it was.

I left my bedroom, trying not to let the door creak on my way out, feet padding on the floor.

When I had set Harley back down on the ground, he'd immediately stepped back a few paces- like I had slapped him, or like I had been dangerous.

I headed for the kitchen and let the faucet run while I picked a glass to use from the cupboard. My eyes kinda glazed over as they stared at the homemade mugs with hearts and the blue water glasses, all arranged in lines or stacked on each other.

"What's wrong with you?" I had asked, acting out of fear and impulsivity.

First mistake.

I filled up my cup to the brim and took a careful sip. My throat burned with dehydration.

"No." Harley had sounded gutted.

"Why are you reacting this way? I thought you'd be happy for me." My voice had wobbled slightly.

Harley, still looking completely freaked and nervous enough to pass out, had dragged a hand through his hair and stammered, "I swear to God, Peter, I want to be supportive, it's just- this is scary!"

What was that supposed to mean?

I passed by May's door. Considered going in, maybe for a warm hug or something to break up the disappointing memory loop.

"I can take care of myself, Harls," I'd argued.

I didn't know Harley had believed me.

I hadn't wanted to fight the rest of the night. I had figured Harley was flooded with worry now, judging from the spastic look in his eyes, and, regardless, I had been angry with him.

So I'd just turned around and walked away before anything got worse.

Nah... I overlooked May's room and retreated to my own, grabbing my earbuds and trying to forget everything. I had given up for good for the night on finding a solution only ten minutes ago.


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