"I will find any way to your wild heart"

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Second to last chappie! :D

This chapter's lyric is from "Wild Heart" by Bleachers.




NOV 07

"Time to wake up."

I nudged Abbie's door open, and the groan of the wood on its hinges was matched by one of the sleeping girl's own.

I flicked on the lightswitch and saw that Abbie had probably already fallen back asleep, curled up in the queen bed we'd somehow squeezed into the apartment's office/spare room.

"Hey," I tried again. "Last day until Thanksgiving break. And Harley's flying in tonight. And it's already seven a.m. and I'm completely ready to be outta the door."

My list seemed to change her mind, if only slightly. "Fine."

"Thank you, Bee," I said in a sickly sweet voice, flashing her a smile before closing the door again. I heard a pillow hit the inside of it with a thunk.

We hopped off the bus an hour later and walked the rest of the frigid distance to MidTown. Abbie joked that we would get there faster if I swung us in the mornings, but quieted with a slightly guilty expression on her face when my mood dampened. Nowadays, I only did patrol with a partner. Occasionally it would be Mr. Rogers, who had been around more lately, but most times, it was Tony. I had been shocked and a little freaked out when he'd first suggested it, but he'd insisted he could make time for me if it meant I wouldn't edge towards giving the suit up down the road. I'd found that, for someone who no longer had to run his own company, Tony did have quite a bit of free time on his hands, his only other job being general philanthropy.

Back in real time, Abbie apologized, staring down at the bright green football-field grass. "That was a stupid thing to say. Especially since it'd also be faster if I called my mom and asked for a ride."

"Nonsense, deario," I responded with my worst posh accent, finding being a dork usually lightened the mood. "Stop railing on yourself. I've said it before, I'll say it again- there's room for one more at our once-a-month with Mr. Wilson. His own boyfriend has even started coming, it wouldn't be weird or anything for you to join."

Abbie shrugged and avoided my eyes like she always did, so we moved on to chattering about the best pranks to pull on Harley when he came home for Thanksgiving. Harley would've probably laughed at us if he'd known how much of our conversation was composed of mentioning him, but considering he was Abbie's brother and my boyfriend, I wasn't surprised. It was a nice conjoining factor for the two of us, too, and always had been.

Abbie wished me luck on my classes, and I headed off down the junior's hall. My absentee study hall director paused scrolling on his phone to give me a pass, as usual, and I hurried through the building, away from 7th through 10th and towards the upperclassmen side.

Mr. Hue let me into his classroom and Abby waved me over to the seat she always saved for me.

Sitting in on a senior year physics class still gave me jitters this many months in. May had arranged it for me. We were both working our asses off with the school board and my classes so I could try and get a college scholarship out of the state in a few years.

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