"one more dance, one more night // hanging on for bitter moonlight"

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This chapter's lyric is from "Keeping a Secret" by Bleachers.

Read as you see fit here- a warning for some pretty pivotal Spidey-related distress/fighting/injuries. (The plot is picking up a bit!)




SEP 13

"Ready, Simon?" my mom asked. I nodded and hopped in the car with her.

"Thanks for the ride."

"Where to?"

"Coney Island."

She raised her eyebrows. "Coney Island? On a Sunday night?"

I shrugged. "It's just Bram and I hanging out. One year for us was back in July, but Leah had a gig booked and Abby had just gotten back from a week in DC, so Bram and I took a rain check for the next best time available. Which is today."

"Oooh," she chirped, "so, first-kiss anniversary?"

"Mom ."

"But I'm right, right?"

"Yes. Now, stay out of it," I said, but with no real venom. My mom laughed and insisted on stopping at a flower shop. I planned on getting a single rose, like the one I'd gotten for Bram at the supermarket in the Spring. He'd appreciate the sentiment more than a big bouquet that was just too fru-fru for both of us.

I didn't tell my mom any of these thoughts, even though she'd been really good about things lately. She and Dad were both interested, hovering people by nature, but they were trying to be more casual about it. Plus, to my relief, my parents seemed more excited about the fact that I was dating someone than they were about the fact that I was dating a guy.

I waved to Nora, who was walking Bieber, as Mom and I pulled out of the driveway. I texted Bram saying I was on the way, and then rolled down the window to feel the fall breeze before my mom swatted me playfully and said to stop letting heat out.


The fall breeze sifted softly through and around the huge buildings I swung from.

I perched atop a subway hub, slowing my breathing so that when May was on the phone it wouldn't seem suspicious.

"Hey, hun," she greeted. "It's seven p.m.. How much longer are you thinking?"

I'd lied and told her I was going to study at the library for school stuff. She hadn't questioned it, just nodded and moved on, not unlike her reactions to my fibs and excuses from all of that month. (I knew she figured I was spending so much time sulking and alone because Harley was in California.) (I think I figured that, too.)

I was feeling guilty, though, so I cut short my Spidermanning time that particular evening.

"Can you pick me up around nine?"

"Sure. Don't work yourself too hard."

I almost chuckled, slightly stretching my sore arms and legs. "Don't worry; the homework portion is done."

"And you had dinner before you left, yeah?"


I could imagine her pursing her lips on the other end of the line as the silence sat. "You know, honey... it's gonna be okay. You call or text every day, and he's here practically every other weekend. You've got your friends. Teachers. Tony. Me."

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