"well, everything has changed // and now it's only you that matters"

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This chapter's lyric is from "Wild Heart" by Bleachers.




SEP 16

When Harley came by again for the third morning in a row, I finally had to ask.

"Harls? Isn't today a Wednesday?"

"I'll go back to school when you go back to school," he huffed. "Besides, this is the last time until Christmas I get to see you, Abbie, and May for more than two days at a time." He handed me the bowl of snacks he'd commandeered, even though my appetite was still barely back.

I was cuddling up in the extra pillows someone had brought to the med bay for me when I saw Tony coming in.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!"

"Hey, kid. Listen, you got a minute?" Harley snorted as I gestured to all the lying around I was currently swamped with.

"Well," Tony smiled, "I know you're cleared to be out and about today, so how about making a stop upstairs? This afternoon? Big surprise."

"Sure," I nodded, and he thanked me and left. The second he was gone, I hit Harley's arm excitedly. "Woah, woah, woah!"

"What do you think is going on?" Harley asked, interested.

"No clue," I responded. "But even though I've known him for almost a year, you have to admit, that was still pretty crazy. We, two simpletons in flannels and sweats-" I tugged on a button of his plaid-orange top to prove my point- "were joined by an insanely rich, ridiculously generous man wearing a suit on a Wednesday morning. He was probably on his way to some fancy meeting or something."

"I have a few bones to pick with that speech, babe, but I'mma start with 'simpletons'."

* * *

Deeper inside the Compound a few hours later, Harley and I found Tony in a blank-looking, oval-shaped bay room. He looked over and smiled at us, sliding his sunglasses off (even though there was barely even glare from the windows indoors).

"A-ha, they've finally made an appearance," he eased. Then, he turned to Harley and asked, "Give us a quick minute?" My boyfriend grinned encouragingly and shooed me over with his hand, hanging back as I joined Tony.

We walked together in comfortable silence, Tony guiding me wherever we needed to go with his arm around my shoulders, but I still got the sense I could've been in trouble.

"Mr. Stark, it's not-"

"Hey. You should've called. Next time, call, for Christ's sake. There. Now that that's over with... you really did good, Pete." I smiled a little, feeling proud. "I had a bit of an idea- nothing much, you know, you'll have to let me know what you think. But I've been working on this for a while, and with a bit more work the two of us, I think you could become a true-blue professional."

"Pro... Professional?" I stuttered.

"Yeah. A pro , as you teens say. So," he pointed at a door along the left wall, "we're joined by four dozen folks interested in future prospects, corralled by the one and only Pepper Potts. Everyone's gonna want an honest-to-goodness interview, but you can also just go in and wave. You can get ready, and I'll help you show everyone out there... Spiderman's plans to join the Avengers team." I swiveled to face another wall, where an incredible suit resembling mine had appeared. High tech, glowing, intimidating, and, to be frank, flat-out cool. I couldn't believe Tony had worked on this for me, made this for me- a second time.

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