"counting days won't buy us years // let's start it over, start it over"

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This chappie is one of my favorites, and I hope you guys like it!

This chapter's lyric is from "Wings" by Haerts.

Read as you see fit here- warnings for mild anxiety as well as a battle injury- both resolved :).




Peter and I dropped into the apartment lobby, both short of breath, Peter from swinging us across the city, and me from screaming joyfully the whole way. After Spiderman had returned to being Peter Parker, we skipped up the stairs and found his door.

"I call the snickerdoodles," Peter said, making a beeline for the small kitchen cupboards.

"You always call snickerdoodle," I fake-whined. I pulled a tea bottle out of the fridge and bit a cookie straight out of Peter's hand before they could raise it to their mouth.

After a bit of squabbling, Peter sat down with me at the kitchen table to do some homework, hogging all of the remaining cookies. May wouldn't be home for a while, so we blasted music, too. Time was passed mostly on English assignments; the two of us helping each other because we both sucked at the subject.

Scribbling things on my paper for Peter's easy outline mindlessly, my true thoughts were occupied with the day. I was more of a sentimental person than you'd think. And seeing what I'd seen that day had near driven me to happy tears. At lunch hour, Simon and Bram had been able to hang out in the courtyard cuddling , for God's sake. Leah had had to throw a balled-up napkin at some jerk, but no one had otherwise batted an eye, really.

I wasn't feeling jealous, just wistful. And when I set my mind to something...

Peter picked up on my long silence, and I said "Hey babe, let's talk" before he was able to read my mind.

* * *

"I can't do this."

"You can ."

"No- I-"

"Peter. Breathe, darlin'. I promise we can do this."

Peter chuckled shakily. He raised his eyebrows at me slightly accusatorially. "Why the hell did we even decide to do this in the first place?" they groaned.

Outside, assuming all our texts had done okay (considering it was nine p.m.), May and Abbie were in the living room waiting. I'd thought deciding to tell them everything and coming clean would be the main hurdle to jump with Peter, but he'd seemed agreeable enough, even excited. Now however, he was gradually freaking out more and more, which made me feel worried and guilty.

I dragged him to seated on the floor of his bedroom and knelt next to him, trying to ground us. "I'm sorry. You good?"

He sniffled covertly and took a deep breath. "Yeah."

We joined the others on the other side of the door. May had made hot chocolate for everybody, and I gratefully accepted the microwave-packet drink.

I leaned forward, wobbly, and cleared my throat. "I'm just going to start and come right out and say it." (Peter snorted at my choice of words.) "I'm bisexual."

"Uh, yeah, same here," Peter needlessly added, fidgeting before continuing, "I'm bi. And, we're dating."

Both May and Abbie smiled in a mild and comforting way, giving me the impression that they'd been practicing those expressions for ages, preparing for this exact moment. May kissed Peter's forehead and murmured "I'm happy for you, and I love you, no matter what," before stepping over to me for a hug.

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