"and love me // if that's what you wanna do"

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This chapter's lyric is from "Love Me" by The 1975.

Read as you see fit here- warnings for a light mention of/talk about blackmailing, and the emotions/discussions that follow.




"Peter? Oh, Peter and Harley?"

'Huh?" Peter groaned, sounding exhausted. I readjusted him onto his own side of the bed and shot up.

Pulling on a sweatshirt over my sleepshirt and matting down my hair, I whispered, "Get up, babe, May's here!"

Peter scampered out of bed, looking suddenly wide awake. "How late did we sleep?"

"I don't know. But you need to wash your hair before we leave, it smells like my cologne."

"How do you know that? Have you been smelling my hair?"

I laughed softly and shook my head with fake exasperation before stepping outside into the living room of the Parker's apartment. I closed the door behind me in an attempt to give Peter more time to wake up.

"Morning May!"

Peter's aunt swept me into a quick hug and handed me a cup of coffee, which I was grateful for.

"I stopped on the way here. Got out of work a couple hours ago, but I got caught up at the store. How'd you boys sleep?"

"Great, I took the couch, and we got up early to do homework before school," I lied. May didn't need to know about the cuddling. "The whole internship and Germany thing really threw Peter off last night."

May nodded sagely. "Well, thank you for being there for him. If you get ready, I can drive you both to school in twenty."

"You're the best, May."


I'd done it, I'd done it, I couldn't believe I'd done it.

At school this morning, Simon was in line to buy a breakfast muffin from the cafeteria, as per usual. I hurried toward him, cutting in front of other people and assuring them I wasn't buying anything. I tapped Simon's shoulder.

"Guess what."

He smiled. "What?"

"I told her."

His blue eyes widened. He snatched a muffin, effectively stealing it, as he pulled me out the hallway and into an empty science classroom.

Simon tackled me in a hug. "I'm so proud of you! How'd it go?"

I blushed and said, "Actually, pretty well. I'd been planning on coming out to my mom for a while, as you know, especially after the Hanukkah disaster with my dad-"

"I still can't believe he gave you that God-awful Cassanova book for Hanukkah."

"-so I was all jittery, but she was just calm. Tried to have The Talk with me. The End."

Simon laughed. He'd known my mom for a while- she'd used to bring the juice boxes to the elementary school Halloween parties on behalf of the PTO, that kinda thing.

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