"collapsing underneath your perfect // drowning in your wonderful"

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This chapter's lyric is from "Sink In" by Amy Shark.

Read as you see fit here- warnings for light relationship worries and issues, followed by some god old fashioned communication :)




MAY 24

It wasn't often that I woke up to yelling in the Parker apartment, but first time for everything, I guessed.

I opened my eyes, groaning. Sleeping on the couch was uncomfortable, but I knew I'd crashed there pretty late-notice last night, and I'd learned how to tell when Peter needed space but didn't want to say anything. I tried my best to be a respectful boyfriend, and it had also seemed ridiculously rude and outside of even my sphere of callousness to take up Peter's offer of the bed and kick him out to his own living room.

I got up and headed to the kitchen where May was. I could still hear Peter's weary, raised voice through his bedroom door, most likely on the phone with somebody.

I raised my eyebrows at May. My unspoken question of what's going on was met with a vague response: "They wouldn't see reason; I made them call Tony. Now, here, I bought a whole pack of muffins. Eat up. Big day today."

I accepted the muffins of various flavors, taking a bite of each one first to decide which most delicious one should be saved to eat last, a habit I'd picked up from Peter when we were younger.

After a few minutes of slightly uncomfortable silence, I could hear Peter huff behind the closed door. "I'm not impressionable . Or young, I'm sixteen! I think-" He got cut off and grunted at however Tony must've been replying.

"What reason won't he see?" I asked quietly.

"... I shouldn't speak for him, but oh well," May said to me. "He's pretty torn up about this whole thing. Worried about you leaving after the summer. They told me they wanted to transfer with you."

I choked on my muffin (banana walnut, the yuckiest, and therefore the first to be eaten). "'Scuze me?"

"He's certainly smart enough... but still, there's no way that's happening. You're going to California. It's not up for any kind of debate . It's just his tunnel vision. He wouldn't listen to me, so I assumed he'd listen to Iron Man," May shrugged.

I just winced slightly, unable to form a response.


I hopped out of bed excitedly that morning, for the first time in what felt like ages. The sophomores had their graduation day that day. It wasn't a huge deal- I didn't have to dress nice or say anything, that was the next day, when us juniors graduated. I just had to show up.

What made it special is that Harley was legitimately graduating from high school at the very same ceremony. No shade to Leah and her well-kept secret, but since I actually had the chance to prepare for an important moment in a friend's life, I wasn't going to throw that chance away.

I got dressed in front of the closet mirror. I was briefly conflicted, wondering if I should dress nicely, but no one in the graduating grade really struck me as someone who would care a ton or appreciate the sentiment, so I moved on.

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