"you'd leave the city and chase bullet holes that's actually starlight"

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This chapter's lyric is from "Alfie's Song" by Bleachers.

Read as you see fit here- our usual family issues warning, but there's also some family fluff in the mix, too :)




APR 18

"Peter, wake up."

Peter groaned and kicked at me.

"Don't make me turn on the alarm."


"Chocolate bars for breakfast?"

Kick, kick.

"I know you're tired, babe-"

Before he could kick me again, suppressing giggles as he attempted to, I caught his leg midair and tackled him with tickles.
Peter shrieked with laughter and swore they'd get up. I relented after one last shake that nearly made him careen into me, hedging out of his bedroom still in my pjs.

I was always first ready by at least ten minutes whenever I stayed the night, but May still insisted I go back in there and double check that Peter hadn't fallen right back asleep.

* * *

Later that day, in the middle of my geometry class, I got an out-of-the-blue text from Simon. I wasn't surprised- the guy was practically king of out-of-the-blue. I checked it after scrambling to turn my phone's brightness down.

hey harley, wanna grab peter and go on an adventure/double date thing with bram and I at lunch? grocery store goodies and whatevers around and maybe skip 5th per?? >:3

-Simon, 10:25am

I replied with a spam of emojis (the peace sign, the 'okay' sign, and the thumbs up). I returned to the Law of Cosines, even though it was already seared into my brain by that point, and the lecture my teacher was giving, but with an even spottier attention span than before.

I was starving when lunch finally rolled around and I was dismissed from fourth period, so I grabbed my heavy, tan lunchbag and called Peter as soon as I was in the bustling hallway.

"I'm at the bike rack!" my boyfriend said excitedly after one ring. "I've got both our boards, and Bram and Si are here, too. Take your time, though, because Bram is currently held up using one of those chain-snappers to unlock his bike. He forgot the password, 'cause it's the first time he's used it in three months," Peter rambled with humor.

"Seriously?" I asked. Over the phone, I could hear shuffling in the background and somebody whooping victoriously. Distantly, Peter said in a faux-deep voice almost akin to Thor's, "Ah, yes, it's been snapped in two, no match for my super strength!"

I'd by then walked close enough to the bike rack behind our school to be within earshot, so I called out in a dry tone, "Of course it did, you actually have super strength, Peter."

He hissed in surprise at my arrival and hit the red button on his phone abruptly. "For ruining my fun like that, I hung up on you."

"Aw, c'mon, I'll admit, it was pretty cool when you got to pet and hold seven dogs at once at the shelter." I turned to Bram and frowned. "Um, where did you get that chain-snapping thing?"

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