• First Date Fiasco • Teen! Misako x Teen! Garmadon

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• Requested by @_OrionPax_ •

Third Person POV

"I really don't know why you're worrying so much about this, Brother. It's only an outing with her!"

"But she called it a 'date!' She literally said, 'It's a date!'"

Wu internally laughed at Garmadon's behavior. He would barely flinch at threats from his old training partner, Clouse, but he shoots his shot with a girl and cracks when she agrees to it. Ironic.

Garmadon pulled out a gi and held it up to his chest. "Should I wear this?!"

"Hmm.." Wu tapped his chin, looking it up and down. "Oh! There's a stain on it!"

Garmadon's head snapped down. "Where?!"

Wu stood up and pointed, "Can't you see it? It's right..." He shot his finger up and flicked Garmadon's nose. "...there!"

"Very funny. Hilarious," He huffed as Wu threw his head back laughing.

"Look, don't worry what you should wear! Just be yourself! You'll be alright."

Garmadon sighed, putting the gi back in the wardrobe. An abrupt knock on the door sent both of them into a frozen state.

"Ah! Is she already here?!" Garmadon gasped.

Wu got up and rushed to the door as Garmadon scrambled to get ready.

After hearing footsteps trailing down the hall to the door, Garmadon peeked around the doorframe to see if he could see who it was.

"Oh, hello, Misako!"

Garmadon yelped at his brother's voice. It was her! Time to kick into panic mode!

Meanwhile, Wu was doing what he did best; rambling about anything that came across his mind.

"So, that's how I figured out that Garmadon was secretly obsessed with comic books. He reads them all the time," Wu laughed, nonchalantly leaning against the wall. Misako snickered at the idea. She never pegged Garmadon as the "nerdy" type.

As another wave of silence attempted to take the place of their laughter, Wu put his hand up as if to prevent Garmadon from hearing him. "Wanna hear about the time I caught him kissing a picture of someone in one of his comic books?" He whispered with a smirk.

"Okay! I'm ready! Sorry it took me so long!" Garmadon rushed in before Wu could embarrass him any further. "Misako! You look...you look very good!"

"Oh, thank you, Garmadon!" Misako smiled warmly. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah!" His voice cracked, making him clear his throat while his face burned red. "I'm ready if you are."

He linked arms with her, walking to the door. Garmadon stopped and leaned close to Wu's ear. "Tell anyone about that one incident that you just happened to witness and I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life," He harshly whispered.

As the door shut, Wu exhaled.

I hope he doesn't find out I told Ray that story, then... He thought.


Garmadon and Misako made their way to a park. It was Misako's idea because she loved being surrounded by nature.

"Oh! Let's go sit under that tree over there!" Misako pointed with a smile, leading him to the spot.

The two sat down on the soft grass, staring at the crystal-like shine rippling through the pond in front of them. Misako loved this; the feeling of the wind brushing against her face, the sight of the leaves falling like rain. Here, she was in her element. Here, she was at peace.

Garmadon, on the other hand, was entirely the opposite of "at peace." He was shaking, he was sweating, and his mind raced faster than the wind.

Am I supposed to talk? What should I say? Can she tell I'm sweating through my clothes? Oh, I hope she can't smell it if I am! He thought, nervously wringing his hands together.

"So, what's all this about kissing comic books, huh, Garm?" Misako suddenly giggled.

Garmadon jumped, flushing at the mention of the "thing that shouldn't be said" and the new nickname. "Oh...! Ha, ha! That's just a joke! My brother was clearly joking! I never kiss books! He's always making things up like that..." He laughed nervously.

"Oh? Are you sure? I don't think Wu is one to lie," Misako innocently stated.

With a slight grumble, Garmadon decided to change the subject. "So, uh...beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Yes. It certainly is. I can't believe that autumn is already here!" Misako looked up at the yellow leaves on the tree above them.

Garmadon stared at her as she continued gushing about the changing of the seasons. A soft smile grew on his face. She was so interesting to him; he knew that humans were oblivious, innocent, kind creatures, but he had never met anyone like Misako. His shyness was shot down by overwhelming feelings; the need to keep her safe from the harsh world at all costs.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud quacking. The two jumped in place, turning their attention to the duck standing in front of them. It looked rather angry.

Garmadon looked at Misako, slowly getting up and moving to stand in between her and the duck. "Okay, little duck," He whispered in a soothing voice. "We aren't going to hurt you, we are just trying to relax here. Please go somewhere else."

The duck raised its wings, spreading them in all of their glory. Garmadon flinched, motioning for Misako to stay back. He stomped forward, making the duck step back.

"That's right; back, I say!" He shouted. "Leave us alone, you fowl fiend!"

The duck didn't appreciate that. It rapidly began quacking, waving its wings up and down and charging at Garmadon.

With a shriek, Garmadon took off running. The duck continued chasing him around.

Misako fell back laughing as Garmadon yelled, "Stop! Stop, I say! Stupid bird! Don't make me use Spinjitzu!"

Finally, the duck chased Garmadon to the edge of the pond. It began to hop up and down in an attempt to make him lose his balance.

Needless to say, it succeeded.

Misako got up and ran to where the duck proudly stood. She glanced all around the rippling water. "Garmadon! Are you okay?!"

Garmadon rose up from the water, shooting an irritated glare at the duck.

"You sure showed that duck who's boss," Misako tittered as she held out her hand.

Garmadon took hold of it and yanked her toward him, pulling her into the water with him. She bobbed up to the surface and splashed him in the face.

"Garm! What was that f-...!"

He cut her off by kissing her on the cheek. She responded by grabbing him by the back of the head and pulling him close to kiss his lips.

The duck scurried away behind the tree they had sat under.

"Ugh, those dorks," Wu snickered. He looked at the duck as it changed from its feathered form to a woman's.

"Thanks again for this, Mystakè. This was priceless."

Word Count: 1,134 Words.

(Hello, you cool cats and kittens! Here's another chapter just for you!

I only have five requests left! Can I get a hip hip freaking hurray? /hj

Thanks for reading! And thanks to @_OrionPax_ for the request! I enjoyed making this one! I hope it's everything you wanted! If there are any typos/dumb stuff in the chapter, please let me know so I can fix it! /g

Thanks again for reading! I wish you all a good day!

- your sleepy author, Abbey :]   )

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