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Hero Pov.

After the heroes meeting in the next day Mei and Kashiko successfully made a drone that can go in the outer space in order to have a conversation with 'The Man in Moon', they call this masterpiece as 'STEEL' their very own first drone they made to go in outer space.

They immediately introduced it in the meeting and they evenly confirmed that they successfully tested one and it's already in outer space, and the only thing they need is to communicate at 'The Man in Moon' in order to know why he was doing this.

Everyone were in the control room and of course like some new trend the drone can also live broadcast in the city but only in Japan, they needed to get an info on who he was and what happened to him.

"Is everyone ready?" Nedzu asked

"Ready over here?" Everybody in room said


"The Communication room is ready Principal Nedzu..." Mei said

"Are ready Lemillion?" Kashiko asks

"Ready as all we are be, indeed I'm ready." Mirio said

"Good put this on your head." Mei said as she gave him a helmet that also covers his eyes.

Kashiko stick some small suction cups with wires on it connected to the electronic system of the monitor, that helps to know Lemillion conditions because it also connected to drone they sent in outer space.


"Now that everyone is ready, on your position... In 3 2 1.... Operation 'Long Distance Conversation' begin." Nedzu said as everyone start they're assign job on what to do.


Meanwhile in outer space the drone is now on it's way to the moon but it was stop when it saw 'The Man in Moon' battling a robot soldiers and drones, but it easily defeated by 'The Man in Moon' as keeps on slashing them on his sickle and the way he uses his moonstone as a grenade.

"Activating three-dimensional projection..." Nedzu response as the real life projection of Mirio in outer space.

As 'The Man in Moon' finished all of his enemies he looks at behind him and the projection of Mirio. As they make a contact in out of blue in one blink of an eye he appear in front of Mirio ready his sickle and immediately slashes the head of Mirio's projection, making him shaking in fear luckily it was only a projection and if he was facing him completely he'll be dead.


Mirio Pov.

"Am I dead where am I?" Mirio ask nervously

"You're dead.. you're still here... Man if you really are there you'll be dead for sure." Kashiko said

"Man what a cruel being..." Nedzu said

"Is everything alright there Principal Nedzu?" Mirio ask

"Yes indeed luckily we did the right thing to send another drone to watch it live broadcast as well, and some of us are surprised on what he can do it sure is scary." Nedzu said

"Maybe he is still agitated from the attack of the Armada ship that attacked him hi before, I would also be surprised when something like that will happen on me." Mirio said

As Mirio calmed down the avatar of his projection easily regenerates as it displays on 'The Man in Moon' faced him again.

"Look I don't know if you can understood me but I'm not an enemy." Mirio said then 'The Man in Moon' looks at him confused and reacted fast stabbing Mirio's projection in the stomach.

The Man in MoonWhere stories live. Discover now