The Strongest

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Tokyo Jujutsu High
Word got out that the mission assinged to the 1st year students did not go as planned.
There is a possibility that the students could get in a diffucult position and in worst case scenario, they could get badly injured.
Ieiri Shoko who is a medical teacher and doctor in Jujutsu High wanted to be prepared in case that scenario were to happen. Her suspicions came true when a circle appeared in the emergency room carrying three students that were in a bad condition. She rushed to them immediately to check their pulse.
"The three of them are in bad shape. Quick! Help me get these three to the beds." Said Shoko to her staff.
After getting the students on the beds, Shoko begin examinating their bodies for injuries.
"Sigh! They look horrible, but they'll live." Said Shoko a little bit relieved.
She used her reverse cursed technique in order to heal their wounds and calm the pain.
By taking two sources of cursed energy and multiplying them with one another and as a result the negative energy becomes positive energy which is used most commonly for healing purposes.
Shoko is known as one of the most valuable sorceress in jujutsu high thanks to her mastery over healing techniques. Long story short, the students were in good hands as long as she took care of them.
After a few minutes, Yuji was the first to regain his consciousness and spoke to Shoko.
"Ieiri-san , where am I? What happened?" Asked Yuji
"You're in the emergency room of Jujutsu high. You got injured during your mission and you guys would have probably died if it wasn't for Satoru bringing you here to me." Replied Shoko while she was smoking a cigarette.
"Yes now I remember." Said Yuji as he turned his head to the left and saw his classmates still resting.
"How are they?" Asked Yuji referring to Megumi and Nobara.
"They will recover as well, they just need more time than you! It seems you recovered faster than them because you're Sukuna's vessel and your body is much more durable than that of a normal sorcerer." Explained Shoko.
"You make it sound like it's a good thing that i'm his vessel. Let's not forget that he is the most dangerous being in the jujutsu world and he is also the reason why I cannot have a normal life." Said Yuji with a sad expression on his face.
Shoko listened to him and she could understand the pain in his voice and the troubles that this kid is going through. Still she decided not to speak any further regarding that subject, instead she told Yuji to rest and not think about it.
"Your injuries are healed but you still need to rest your body and mind. Don't worry you'll be allowed to leave after your friends wake up as well." Said Shoko to which Yuji nodded back.
"It looks like we made it this time thanks to Gojo-sensei. I'm sure he's taking care of our mission that we couldn't finish!" Thought Yuji as he closed his eyes.

Haunted Hospital
It was getting darker, ruins were all over the place. Most of the curses were exorcised by the jujutsu sorcerers, but only one remained.
Zenokado, the special grade curse spirit right now was facing the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world, Gojo Satoru.
Satoru stared at the curse spirit for a while, analyzing his behaviour and his cursed energy. He also tried to figure out what his curse technique was.
"Hmm! Judging by the amount of his cursed energy, he seems to be a special grade. The fact that he is able to communicate and put Yuji, Megumi and Nobara in a tough spot means that he must be similar to the unregistered curses that we've encountered the past couple of months.If I have to guess, I'd say that his power is equal to four Sukuna fingers.Well let's see if he's worth it." Thought Satoru as his lips cracked a smile.
Zenokado on the other side was looking at him a little nervous since he could feel how enormous Gojo's cursed energy was. But still he would never admit it out loud since it would make it harder for the curse to survive. He decided to appear as confident as ever and asked the sorcerer
"I asked you before didn't I! Who the hell are you or do you prefer to die silent?!"
Satoru could see clearly see his behaviour and honestly he wasn't surprised.
"Hehe! I understand why you're trying to act tough but your pointless threats have no effect on me. You can't hide the fact that you feel nervous on the inside, plus my students gave you a hard time earlier I believe." Gojo said to the curse.
"Do I have to remind you that I was the one who defeated your students. That's because they were not strong enough to exorcise me that's what caused them to lose. I bet they are dead right now!" Said Zenokado with the intention to provoke the sorcerer.
"They won't die! No matter the hardships they face, I know that my students will always move forward and become stronger.
I have faith in them." Said Satoru with a confident smile.
"Yeah right. You sorcerers sound all the same and I'm really tired of this." Said Zenokado.
"Then allow me to put you out of your misery!" Replied Satoru.
"Only if you can dodge this first! Piercing bones!" Said Zenokado as many bones emerged from the ground and striked directly at the sorcerer to which he was not fazed at all.
Satoru stood there not moving an inch as he waited for the attack head on. In the moment the bones got close to him they all stopped moving, leaving Zenokado shocked at what was happening.
"What! My attack stopped! How is that possible?!" Said the curse spirit with shock.
Satoru didn't answer him yet, instead he looked at the bones in a curious way.
Zenokado was not done as he immediately prepared his next attack.
A womb of flesh appeared next to Gojo as he slowly turned his head to the left and saw it.
"Take this!" Yelled the curse spirit while the womb unleashed acid directly at the sorcerer.
"This attack kills the target by burning its skin until he dies. There's no way you can survi...!" Said Zenokado but he was cut off as he saw the sorcerer that was completely unharmed from the attack.
"So bones and flesh. Interesting technique but is that all you got?" Asked Satoru as he was wiping of his shoulders making the curse even more angry.
"Oh just you wait!" Yelled Zenokado as he summoned a pillar of muscle flesh right under Gojo's feet and made it go up lifting the sorcerer in the air in the process. Satoru put his hand in his pockets and waited until it stopped at one point.
"Flesh Arms!" Said Zenokado as flesh taking the form of arms formed and tried to attack the sorcerer. The arms striked countless times at him with a great force. However the arms made out of muscle served as a distraction to the sorcerer as the curse intended to finish him off with his next move. At the meantime Zenokado jumped high at the level that Satoru was and  attacked him from behind.
"Spirit Curse Bomb!" Said Zenokado as he threw his yellow sphere at the sorcerer.
The impact resulted in the muscle made arms to explode in the process and also spread smoke all over the area.
The curse could not see at the moment but he was sure that his attack was strong enough to hurt the sorcerer.
To his surprise though, Gojo's hand appeared from the smoke and grabbed Zenokado's arm.
"Huh! Your still..!!" Said Zenokado with shock.
The smoke then dissapeared and it showed Satoru completely unharmed still holding Zenokado's arm.
The curse looked terrified at the outcome. He still couldn't put a scratch on his opponent at all. The curse tried to escape Gojo's grip but he was unsuccessful as he felt overpowered by the sorcerer.
"Hehe! My turn now." Said Satoru with a wicked smile.
The sorcerer lift him up and crashed his body in the floor. He then grabbed his leg shook him to the ground many times making the ground crack with each impact.
Zenokado couldn't get away no matter how much he tried. He just laid on the ground while Satoru stepped on him with his leg.
"Argh! You bastard!" Said the curse as it was bleeding.
Gojo removed his leg from his body and then kicked him hard to the side of the wall.
Gojo dashed at him in high speed while Zenokado was pinned to the wall and started punching him left and right. One hit in the torso followed by a jab with his left and then a straight right hand directly to his head. After hiting multiple times Zenokado tried to put his arm up in a defense but the sorcerer grabbed and twisted it hard enough to break it.
"Gaaaaahhh!" Screamed the curse in pain as the sorcerer then grabbed him by the neck and kneed him to the stomach. The curse bended over in pain from the impact and Satoru went for a roundhouse kick and tossed him in the other side.
Zenokado couldn't bear it anymore all this humiluation and pain that he was receiving from the white haired sorcerer, as if he had enough being treated like a doll.
He accumulated his energy and turned the area into muscle flesh.
"Ugh! His technique is disgusting. I'd rather fly in the air." Thought Satoru as his body started levitating in the air. He looked down at Zenokado and guessing his next moves.
The curse spirit combined his bones with muscle flesh and created numerous giant arms in order to attack Satoru. The latter thought it would be lame to just stand there as his cursed technique stopped all his attacks so he decided to dodge every arm that was coming from any side.
Pillars of flesh emerged from the ground but were still not succesful to hit him as the sorcerer was too fast. Countless bones were shot at the sorcerer but still couldn't hit him as he kept dodging them all.
At one point Satoru released a big wave of energy that was strong enough to destroy the flesh pillars and giant arms.
"Grrrr! Damn it! He's so fast that it looks like he is teleporting and his curse energy destroyed my flesh in an instant." Said Zenokado with anger.
The curse spirit continued with his attacks until Gojo came up with an idea.
"Hmm. How about I give this guy a taste of his own medicine." Thought Satoru as he grabbed a few bones that were striked at him and imbued them with curse energy.
In the next moment Satoru teleported in front of him and sliced his arm with the piercing bones.
Then he sliced from the back and flash stepped in front of him.
"Ugh! He imbued my bones with his curse energy to attack me. I need to back away." Said the curse spirit as he jumped back in defense.
Satoru however got behind him again and side kicked him in the back but before the curse could fall to the ground, the sorcerer dropkicked him once more.
Zenokado was crashed to the ground from the kick and begin to bleed from his mouth.
He noticed that Satoru was walking closer to him holding some piercing bones in his hands.
As it was expected Satoru stabbed the bones all over Zenokado's body leaving him in pain.
"I told didn't I! I will make you suffer for hurting my students!" Said Satoru in a serious voice.
"Uhh! You damn sorce..rer!" Said Zenokado in a lower voice.
"This is the end." Said Satoru as he raised his hands up and a large wave of cursed energy was directed at the curse.
The wave started twisting his body and suffocating his soul. It was so strong that ironically it felt toxic to the curse spirit.
"Aagghhhhh! Stop I'm begging you. Have mercy." Pleaded the curse but to no avail.
Satoru had set up his mind since the moment he saw his students in that condition earlier.
Most people knew that Gojo Satoru never showed mercy to his enemies, let alone curse spirits.
Their battle turned out to be completely one sided as the curse spirit received high damage that was killing him meanwhile the sorcerer didn't have a single scratch on him. 
Satoru decided to finish him off with a snap of his fingers which made the energy wave to destroy Zenokado's body completely.
The special grade curse spirit was finally exorcised for good.
"Mission complete." Said Satoru as he looked at ashes that were left from Zenokado's body.
"Now I should probably go check how Yuji, Megumi and Nobara are." He said but before that...
Suddenly his phone started ringing which stopped the sorcerer for a second.
"Huh! It's Ijichi. I wonder what it could be." He said as he was about to answer the call.
"Gojo-san, hello. I'm sorry to disturb you but there's an emergency here where I am." Said Ijichi.
"What's happening Ijichi tell me?" Asked Satoru.
"There's a curse spirit who has gone on a rampage here in Shinjuku and is having a fight with a woman. As you can imagine the outcome of the battle could turn out to be really bad. The curse spirit and the woman seem to be really strong so your assistence is definitely needed here." Explained Ijichi.
"Text me the address and I'll be there as quick as possible." Satoru told him.
He ended the call and left the abandoned hospital which was now free from curses.

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