Date With The Devil

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Tokyo Jujutsu High.
September 22nd at about 9 am.
The principal Masamichi Yaga had scheduled a meeting with the 1st year and 2nd year students to discuss the details of their individual mission.
The students arrived at the same time in order to attend the meeting.
"Morning!" The students said as they walked in the office.
"Welcome!.... Have a seat." Replied principal Yaga.
All of them were present except Satoru. He was always late which made the principal angry.
While waiting for the teacher, the 1st and 2nd year students took the chance to have a talk with each other.
The first to speak was Yuji. He always was the one to open the conversation where he specifically was talking to the 2nd year students.
"Hey guys, what's up! It's been a while since the baseball game." Said Yuji.
"Oh hey Itadori! Yeah you're right it's been a few days." Said Panda.
"I know. So what have you been doing so far?" Asked Yuji.
"We've been training mostly and also we've taken a few missions." Replied Maki.
"Yeah so have we, although it didn't go really well for us." Said Megumi referring to the last mission. It's not like he was sad or disappointed but he was just being realistic.
His expression did not go unnoticed by Panda where he said "To be honest we failed our mission as well, so we know how you feel."
"Was it really hard for you guys?" Asked Nobara.
"It's not that it was hard, but it was complicated and we are still confused." Replied Maki to her.
"By the way Maki-san you guys were in an auction, right. I wish I was there too. Was there anything worth to buy there." Asked Nobara.
"No idea. Besides I don't really care on antiques." Said Maki.
"Takana!" Said Toge, as he agreed with what Maki said.
"Well I guess if you say that it sucked, then I guess it was not worth it at all." Said Nobara as she tried to have the same opinion as Maki.
"Where Gojo-sensei by the way?" Asked Yuji.
"Who knows." Replied Panda.
"He tells us to not be late and yet he hasn't even arrived." Said Megumi irritated.
"So unfair." Sighed Nobara.
"Tsk! Whatever. Shouldn't we start with our report already. Waiting for him is a pain." Suggested Maki to the principal.
"This meeting will not start without him weither you like it or not." Firmly said Yaga.
He was also bothered by his delay too but he would rather wait a little longer for him.
"Okaka." Annoyingly said Toge not having the patience to wait as well.

30 minutes later.
"God Damn! I always tell him to take this matter seriously and never be late." Said Yaga to himself.
Ijichi really tried to change the mood by saying "In the meantime would you like a cup of coffee, Ya...Ya... Yaga-san?" Asked Ijichi.
However the principal looked at the poor Ijichi like he wanted to punch him in the face for what he was saying.
"Nev..nevermind!" Mumbled Ijichi.
All of a sudden the door opens to finally reveal the white haired sorcerer having arrived at the meeting.
"Well hello there! Seems like everybody's here." Said Satoru as he waved his hand to them.
"You can say that again!" Said Nobara with a deadpanned face.
The principal did not even get up. He just stood in the same place and at the same position.
"You're late!" Yelled Maki and Panda in anger.
"Huh! Am I? I just thought that yall were early or whatever." Joked Satoru as he took a seat next to the principal.
"He's got the nerve to even joke."  Thought Megumi.
In the next moment the principal turned his head to the left in order to look at Gojo while the latter was basically smiling in a taunting way.
"This better be the last time that you're late, otherwise you'll be fired from your position as a teacher in Jujutsu High." Yaga warned him. Not like he actually meant that though.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but most people, including you say that patience is an important trait of a jujutsu sorcer.
We face danger everyday and we're all used to it but apparently you cannot wait 20 minutes more than usual." Said Satoru.
"It's 60 minutes and yes it is true that patiance is a factor to us sorcerers but slacking off is the worst trait for a jujutsu sorcerer, especially for someone like you Satoru!" Replied Yaga.
"If you two are done arguing, can we begin with our report." Suggested Maki.
"Exactly! Let's proceed with what we came here to do." Said Yuji.
"Well Principal Yaga, what do you saaaaay?" Asked Gojo leaning his head closer.
"Well since everybody is here, we can begin with the meeting. First year class you may start with the report of your mission." Said Yaga.
Megumi was the representative of his class and he begin to speak.
"We were assigned on a mission to investigate a haunted hospital where there was a immense amount of negative energy.
It was a 2 store hospital completely abandoned.
After we entered the hospital, I suggested to split up and search each floor. I searched the first floor, meanwhile my classmates checked the second.
In the end of a hallway I encountered a few curses, some of them were grade 1 curses, but I managed to exorcise them all." Explained Megumi.
"I see. What about you two." Asked Yaga.
Nobara decided to speak.
"Like Fushiguro said earlier, me and Itadori went on the second floor. We encountered curses as well where we had to engage into a fight. They were exorcised in the end." Said Nobara.
"If you managed to exoecise all the curses, how did you get in that condition?" Asked the principal.
Itadori took the word this time.
"After we thought that we were finished, a sort of an earthquake occured, spliting the ground floor and dropping us in the underground level." Said Yuji.
The others were listening carefully to their report as the students continued.
"In the underground level we sensed a massive curse energy full of rage and malice." Said Megumi to which Gojo understood who he meant.
"Was it the cursed spirit that put you in bad condition?" Asked Panda.
"Yes, he said his name was Zenokado, a special grade curse spirit born from the negative energy of people that used to stay on that hospital before it was abandoned." Said Megumi.
"Can you describe his appearence and curse technique?" Asked Yaga.
"He was big, tall, ugly and he had horns as well." Answered Nobara.
"That was pretty fast and poor description." Thought Maki.
"His cursed technique could turn curse energy into muscle flesh and bones." Explained Megumi.
"Hmm I see. So his cursed technique was based around the human body anatomy." Understood Yaga.
"Shake!" Said Toge thinking the same.
"He was really strong and terrifying, his curse energy could send chills to the body.
We weren't in our best shape either but we decided to not run away. We decided to fight and exorcise that curse spirit." Said Yuji while looking into the pricipal's eyes.
"Then what happened?" Asked the principal.
"Humph! It didn't work! Not even our teamwork couldn't bring him down." Said Megumi.
"We gave our best but he just kept coming back up again and again. We didn't even expect when he caught us offguard and pierced us with his bones." Said Nobara.
"I assume that after that you were saved by Satoru." Said Yaga to which they nodded.
Gojo started to explain his side of the story.
"The truth is I was on my way to a trip overseas but I've had a bad feeling that something was wrong. I don't know if this was instict or a voice telling me to not leave. All I know is that I wanted to go look for them and make sure they were fine." Said Satoru as he stared in the window in front of him.
"Thankfully I did find them before it was too late and teleported them here as quick as possible." He said and then continued " I know that the enemy was strong but I also know that my students did their best against him. Doesn't matter the outcome, in the end that curse spirit understood the real power and determination of a jujutsu sorcerer and it's all thanks to you Yuji, Megumi, Nobara." Said Satoru with a smile.
His students although they were looking down, all three of them were smiling from relief that they have the fate to have a teacher like Satoru Gojo.
They were grateful for that and even if they wouldn't mention that in front of everybody, their inner feelings spoke much louder than words.
"I agree with you Satoru, your students truly showed their strength out there.
Although our job is to protect humanity from curse spirits, your own lives are also important." Said Yaga to the students.
"And yet you chose to stand up and fight, because this is what you thought was the right thing to do. It all comes down to what I've have told you. A jujutsu sorcerer should never die with regrets. You showed that there is a meaning to our existance as jujutsu sorcerers. You have succeded your mission." Said Yaga.
Their words made the three students to feel better for themselves and for their actions to be acknowledged.
"Now lets move on with the mission assigned to 2nd year class students, you may begin with your report." Said Yaga to them.
"Our mission was to infiltrate an auction that was held in the Diamond Hall in Shinjuku and retrieve the cursed objects in that event." Started saying Panda.
"We split up in three positions, I stormed in the security room, Maki observed the event, while Toge went to the room where the cursed objects were kept." Continued Panda.
"Our suspicions were correct! A group of curse users stormed into the event for the same reason. They wanted to retrieve the curse objects for themselves. Their entrance wasn't quiet either as they murdered the guards and put the guests lives in danger." Said Maki to them.
"Can you indetify the attackers?" Asked Yaga.
"They were a group of curse users wearing white uniforms and black masks. Their leader was a man with long dark hair 
I believe his name was Bayer." Explained Maki to which Satoru was surprised.
"Did you say Bayer! Wait! I know him and his group. They've been around since 2006 and I've also had an encounter with him during a mission but I thought their group was disbanded after me and my classmate defeated them." Said Gojo to them.
"Well it seems that they were still working in the shadows." Replied Yaga.
"What happened to the cursed objects?" Asked Satoru.
"One of them attacked Toge and took one of the cursed objects. I tried to stop him but he ran away." Said Panda.
"Takana!" Said Toge.
"But there was another curse object left so we took it immediately." Said Panda.
"What happened with the rest of the curse users?" Asked Yaga.
"I fought them all and beat them to a pulp." Said Maki.
"Of course Maki-san would beat them up she is my big sister after all." Nobara cheered her up.
"Stop that, that's embarrasing!" Shouted Maki back at her.
The others were laughing but tried not to be noticed by her.
"They weren't that big of a deal and to be honest I didn't fight their boss yet." Said Maki.
"What do you mean?" Asked Yuji.
"A woman with red hair, yellow eyes and a black dress stepped into the fight out of nowhere." Explained Maki.
This caught Gojo's full attention as he had met a person yesterday with the same appearence as the woman that Maki described. He didn't react yet though.
"She fought with the leader of the curse users and gave me a chance to reunite with Panda and Toge. When we returned back we noticed that she had killed him and all the other curse users." She said to them.
"Who is this woman?" Asked the principal.
"We don't know who she is but we know that she was powerful and that she wanted the cursed objects for herself. From what I could sense, her curse energy was immense.
She even managed to manipulate Maki into giving the curse object to her. I stopped her before she could give it away but too our bad luck the cursed object dropped on the floor and shattered into a 1000 pieces." Said Panda.
"After that a special grade curse spirit was released and attracted other curse spirits." Explained Panda.
"Talk about bad luck." Said Yuji.
"You can say that again." Replied Megumi.
"What happened after?" Asked Gojo.
"The red haired woman challenged the special grade curse spirit into a fight while we were fighting the minions. Answered Panda.
"At a point she even managed to exorcise with a single hit all the remaining curse spirits that we were fighting. She gave us a chance to escape from there alive. Said Maki.
Satoru was completely sure that the person that they were talking about was Makima.
"Hmm! So you were behind that as well. I can't wait to find out who you really are Makima." Thought Gojo to himself as he anticipated their next encounter.
"So according to your report this woman is neither a jujutsu sorcerer or a curse user. She could have attacked you as well but instead she let you go, but the fact that she wanted the cursed objects too puts her under suspicion." Said Yaga.
"What happened with the guests?" Asked Megumi.
"The woman said that they got out before they were hurt." Answered Panda.
"That's a relief" Said Yuji.
"So in conclusion we failed our mission." Said Maki.
"It's fine, you three did your best as well. Now we have to worry about this person and how can we find her." Said Yaga.
"Do we even have any clues?" Asked Nobara.
Ijichi also realized about the woman that they were talking was the same woman that fought with that curse spirit in Shinjuku square. At first he wanted to speak up but he stopped as he felt a threatening stare coming from Gojo telling him to shut his mouth or he will regret it.
"So none of you don't know her?" Asked Yuji
"I don't! What about you Satoru?" Asked Yaga.
"Me neither but from what I'm hearing I can't wait to meet her." Said Gojo with a smirk looking at the ceiling.

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