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Flashback: The day when Makima arrived in the new world.

Back to the day where everything was meant to change drastically. The fate and future wouldn't be the same for this world anymore. Not after she set her first steps into the mainland. Now that she was free of her curse as the control devil, she could bent the world to her own desires if she wanted without having to sacrifice something that could be neccesary to her.
Her first instict was to concentrate on her inner energy. She sensed an immessurable power within her. One that could parallel her old power in her old world.
"This feeling! It is as strange as it is familiar! I might need some time to adjust to it!"
She said as she found out about the cursed energy flowing within her.
Her first decision was to leave the coast of the ocean that she sprung out as a newborn butterfly and move to the inner city of Tokyo, if this was Japan like it was in her world.
After founding a few fools that were about to drive off with their van, she took the chance and approached the boys with a flirtatious tone and tricked them into taking her with them.
Once she arrived in Shibuya and ditched the dorks, she interfered with the huge group of bystanders and walked to the middle of the square where she stopped and looked around.
"There's no doubt! This is Tokyo with a few exceptions!" Makima told herself as she walked through the city and discovered that she was just where she wished to be.
"Shibuya looks a little different from my previous world. Wonder how long has it been?!" Makima thought to herself as she turned around only to stop at the glace of a TV inside of a coffeeshop where it announced the official time.
"10:36 am, September 1st, 2018" She read with a bit of surprise because back in her world it was the year 1997.
To her perspective lots of things changed through the years. The new constructions, people's fashion, technology etc.
"Unlike my previous world, time has moved forward on this one. I have to catch up to what is going on in this world first." She said.
She entered from the front door and sat on a table near the window.
Immediately the waiter followed after her to get her order.
"Good morning Miss. What can I get for you?" Asked the waiter with a kind smile.
"Morning, do you serve breakfast now?" Makima asked him.
"We do serve breakfast." He replied.
"Can I get some pancakes and a cup of coffee, please!" She said.
"Right away!" The waiter answered and then he ran to the kitchen.
Makima looked around the bar and saw the decoration that looked so different then the ones she was used to. Even the prices of each dish and drink were more expensive.
She turned her head to the window and glared at all the people that were passing by with amusement.
"Here's your breakfast miss, please enjoy!" Said the waiter as he brought the pancakes and coffee on her table.
"Thank you!" Said Makima without even taking her eyes off the window.

At 20:45 (10 hours later)
Makima was walking in a dark alley that seemed identical with the one where she killed reze in her own world. She spended most of her day on gathering information and studying this place from its roots. She stayed most of the time in the library where she read all the history and political books that she could have gotten in a span of a few hours.
She then rented a room in a nearby hotel for a couple of nights. The room wasn't big or luxurious but it didn't matter since this was temporarely as she already planned that she would own a better place in few days.
As she was walking in the alley she saw a young girl being molested by a fat bastard and he also had two goons by his side.
"Hey come here bitch!" The bastard yelled at the girl after she broke off his grip.
The poor girl tried to run away from him but she tripped and fell on the ground.
"Hahahha! Man that was funny! You actually thought you can escape whenever you feel like it! Don't forget that you work for me and your job is to obey my words!" He said with a smug on his face as he holded a cigar on his hand.
"Please! I'm begging Mr Taka, please let me go! I already told you that I cannot do what you asked me!" The girl said while tears were falling from her eyes.
She was trembling from the fear as she saw her boss and his goons laughing at her desperate image.
"Oh come on! I'm sure that you will like it once you try it out!" Her boss said as he unzipped his pants ready to take his dick out.
The girl almost fainted from fear as she knew what was about to happen. She tried to scream but Taka held her mouth shut with his dirty hands. She felt hopeless at that moment until for a fraction of a second heard a few footsteps.
Makima saw everything from the other side of the alley. Her expressions were unchanged as always with her face that remained calm and stoic. She kept walking towards them since she had no reason to turn around. Not for those pigs at least.
One of the goons noticed her coming towards them and quickly told Taka.
"Hey boss someone's coming towards us." He said to his boss.
"Huh! What the hell!" He said as he zipped his pants back up and walked close to his goons.
Makima stopped and stood in front of them without giving a flying fuck about it.
"You're in my way! Get lost!" She told them with a cold tone that would send shivers on anyone that would hear those words.
"Huh! Who do you think you're talking to bitch! I will...." Taka yelled at her annoyed but his sentence was cut off as he he saw her eyes.
Makima stared at him maliciously and in the next second he was paralized in fear and immediately dropped on his knees. He started bleeding from his eyes, nose and his mouth.
"Boss are you ok?!" One of his men asked him but Taka didn't have the strength to even answer.
The young girl that was on the ground saw what happened and felt a small feeling of hope. She started praying to get out alive from this situation.
"Sir what's going on!" The other goon asked his boss.
All Taka managed to do is point at the red haired women that was looking down at him.
"That's it! You're dead you slut!" Yelled one of his goons as he ran towards Makima and tried to hit her with a metal bat.
As soon as the bat made contact with her shoulder it broke in half.
That's because Makima used cursed energy to defend her body from any damage.
"Cursed energy really does have it's own benefits. It can be used for defence and as well as..." she thought as she saw the shocked expression of the men after his bat broke in half. She aproached him slowly and punched him on his stomach "offence!" She finished her thought as her fist pierced through him and made him drop dead on the ground.
The other guy tried to run away after witnessing his boss and the other guy on that state.
Makima pointed her finger at his back while he was trying to escape.
"Bang!" She said and a bullet made of cursed energy was shot right at the back of his neck. He died as well.
Taka lied down as was still choking on his own blood but still alive.
Makima stepped on him like he was a worthless bug and his life depended on her mercy.
"Pl..please... spare me!" He begged for his life as he looked at her.
"Hmmm! I'm not gonna kill you." Makima said to him.
He smiled a little after learning that he will live.
Makima removed her foot from him and and said
"I'll turn you into one of my human pets where you will only walk around naked with a leash like an obediant dog.
You will only answer to me with woof and yes! If you don't then I'll kill you!" Makima told him with an evil smirk on her face.
Taka froze in fear after hearing about his fate. He was done for.
"Woof! Woof! Woof!" He barked for his filthy life.
On the other side the girl that he was about to abuse stood up and wiped off her tears.
"No!" She said after taking a deep breath.
Makima saw her, curious of what she intented to do next.
The girl quickly grabbed a gun that belonged to one of Taka's man and pointed it at his head.
"Wait what are you doing?" He asked in fear.
"You worthless piece of shit, you're just a waste of space like all the other higher ups who abuse your power for your own satisfaction. I'm disgusted just by looking at your face you filthy pig. I'm not gonna let you live after everything you've done!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her breath became warm as she exhausted her lungs.
She was trembling since had never killed anyone before but if she wanted to become strong willed, she would have to pull the trigger.
"Please don't!" Taka begged his former assistant.
Befere she pulled the trigger, the girl looked once more at Makima and saw an aprooving look on her face that silently told her to do it.
Without hesitation she shot Taka in head killing him in an instant.
There was silence after the loud gunshot. She started trembling again and dropped the gun to the ground.
Makima aproached her and put her hand above her shoulder in order for her to calm down.
"I... i.. kil..killed him!" Stuttering she said as she lifted her head up and looked at Makima's emotionless expression.
"Do you feel any regrets!" Makima asked her.
Her question managed to calm her for a second.
"No! Not one bit!" She answered.
"Then why did you do it?" Makima asked another question.
The girl didn't take too much time to think for her answer.
"Because I don't want anyone to treat me like that, ever again." She said loud and clear.
"Then you've made the right choice!" Makima told her with a small smile.
The girl was calming down and her breath was normal again.
She looked up in the sky and wondered
"What am I gonna do now that I'm a murderer!" She said out loud.
"Nobody will know!" Makima said, grabbing her attention.
"What do you mean?" The girl asked her.
Makima didn't respond but rather she summoned rats and crows that surrounded the three dead bodies. In a blink of an eye the bodies disappeared as did the rats and crows.
The girl was amazed by what she just witnessed.
"Who are you?" The girl asked Makima.
"I am Makima, lets just say I'm new to this world!" Makima told her with a smile.
She then extended her hand to the girl and told her.
"What is your name girl?" Makima asked her.
"My name is Misaki. I work at... or should I say I used to work as an assistent of Taka who is an archeologist for an archaeology department." Misaki told her.
There was a small pause before Makima spoke again.
"From now on you'll work for me and aid on my mission. If you do, I will make all your dreams come true and you'll never cry again. What do you say?" Makima said to her waiting for an answer from the girl.
"Woof!" She replied in a cute voice.
"Good girl!" Makima said as she petted her on her head.
"Follow me, let's continue our conversation on my room. You can take a shower as well if you want." Makima told her.
"Thank you miss Makima!" Misaki thanked her as she followed her new boss.
As they were walking side by side Misaki couldn't ignore all the fact of Makima abilities.
"If I'm not mistaken, you are a sorceress right!" Misaki asked her.
"I do not work for any sorcerer agency yet!" Makima told her.
"That's good to hear Miss Makima. Those higher ups are corrupt and cowards like that bastard was." Misaki said.
"I know that, that's why I'm trying to put a change on everything. Starting with Jujutsu World which is the pinnacle of sorcerers." Makima said with a tone of determination.
"Wow! Miss Makima you sound quite serious if you want to change an entire organization. You're definetely not like most people!" Misaki sounded amazed after hearing what Makima's intentions were.
Makima stopped in one spot and repied with a lower voice.
"You're right! I am a devil in a human's body!"

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