꧁𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔶 𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪 ꧂

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Still y/n POV

We started walking with Mr.Wonka down the hallway as i was walking closeto him Mrs.Beauregard had pulled me back from him almost making me fall but i caught myself and in return for her almost making me fall I stomped on her foot.

I looked up at him and i could see his blue eyes 'god I could drown in them' "is it just me or does Wonka seem a few quarters short of a buck" Mr.teavee asked "I'm sorry I don't speak American" Mr.salt said I giggled a bit at Mr.salt using sarcasm "would you like some chocolate?" Augustus Asked "sure" I heard Charlie say 'aww that's sweet' I thought to myself "then you should've brought some" Augustus said
"im gonna kill a kid" I said out loud as I started to slow down.

But a hand went around my waist. I looked up at Mr.Wonka blushing. He looked back at me and smirked "let's be friends" "best friends" I groaned rolling my eyes. When we got to a little door we all had to lean down but when we stopped I crouched down making Mr.wonka look at me......................

I looked up at him and smiled, waving a bit, making him chuckle "An important room this. After all it is a chocolate factory" he said smiling "Then why is the door so small?" Mike asked looking at it " that's to keep all the great big chocolatey flavor inside" he reached down and unlocked the door making me look at him. When he pushed the door open my jaw dropped. Mr.wonka chuckled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him. I looked up at him and smiled " now do be careful my dear children don't lose your head don't get over excited just keep very calm" he said I looked at Augustus and saw he dropped his chocolate bar "it's-it's Beautiful" I said looking at Mr.wonka "what?" He asked looking at me I just rolled my eyes and smiled "oh yeah it's very beautiful" he said looking at me Mr.wonka gently pulled me next to him as we walked "Every drop of the river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality" we got to the bridge making me grip onto his hand tighter 'god I hate bridges' "the waterfall is most important mixes the chocolate churns it up. Makes it light and frothy" he said taking his hand and putting it on my lower back I blushed and looked at the waterfall "by the why no other factory in the world mixes it's chocolate by waterfall my dear children and you can take that to the bank" we all walked off the bridge. when I got off it Charlie ran up to me "are you ok I know you hate bridge's" he said "yes I'm fine little brother" I said hugging him "people" Mr.Wonka said making us look at him and then some pipes "those pipes suck up the chocolate and carry it away all over the factory thousands of gallons an hour. Yeah" he said the last part made me giggle because of the way he said Yeah "do you like my meadow? Please have a blade please do it so delectable and so darn good looking" he said looking around "you can eat the grass?" Charlie asked, "Of course you can, everything in this room is eatable even I'm eatable but that is called cannibalism my dear children it is in fact frowned upon in most societies Yeah" Mr.wonka said 'can You please eat me I'll gladly let you!!' I covered my face hiding it behind Charlie 'oh god y/n stop that please' "Enjoy" Mr.wonka said shooing us away I let Charlie go and he smiled at me running off as did everyone else I just walked away to to some Little Rock candys when I broke a piece off I gasped because there was a little panda inside of it

Willy Wonka's POV

I saw y/n walk away but before I walked to her me and Mr.salt had a little staring Contacts he walked away making me smirk "ha" I said walking away to y/n I seen her brake off a piece of the rock candy making me smile when she gasped "wow so cute" she said making me chuckle she jumped a bit and looked at me "Mr.Wonka?! Oh god I'm sorry you scared me" I chuckled and walked up to her "so do you like it?" I asked "I haven't tried it yet" she said I smiled at her taking it from her. I put it on her lips and she looked at me blushing "open" I said smirking she listened and opened I put it in her mouth and she bite down and broke a piece off she smiled and looked in my eyes "it great but I like (f/f favorite flavor)" I smiled "well that's not a bad idea for a new flavor what's your favorite animal?" She smiled "its (f/a favorite animal)" I smirked and put the candy back on her lips. She smiled opening her mouth again and bit down but before we could do anything else we heard "Daddy look over there" I growled and looked at y/n 'Oh how I could live in her (e/c eyes color) eyes' I thought "we'll finish this later Ma petite ange " (it means my little angel in French)

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