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Y/n's POV

"I don't know why I didn't think about this before the elevator is by far the most efficient way to get around the factory," Willy said as he walked into the elevator when I got in Charlie and Mike stood next to or in front of Willy While I am in front of Mr.Teavee "there can't be this many floors," Mike said making Willy look at him "how do you know Mr.smarty-pants? This isn't an ordinary up-and-down elevator by the way. This elevator can go sideways longways slantways and another way you can think of" Willy said "you just press any button and whoosh your off" when he pushed the button I just thought it would be slow but was I wrong I gasped and put my hands out as the elevator took off when I stood up but I went sideways again but fixed myself with a sigh 'I hate this' I thought looked out of the glass window "OH look look" Willy said my mouth dropped opened 'is th-that?' "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to fudge mountain "omg," I said making Willy chuckle at me we waved at some Oompa-loompas and they waved back I gasped when we came to a room with pink sheep 'I mean I wish it was my f/c but' "Oh" I heard Willy say as I looked at him he chuckled a bit and looked at us "I'd rather not talk about this one," he said looking back at me making me roll my eyes with a giggle we came in a room with the dolls, in the beginning, making me giggle "this is the puppet hospital and burn center," Willy said looking at the dolls ''it's relatively new," Willy said looking at Mr.Teavee and then back up-a-head when the elevator stopped everyone but Willy went forward I gasped when Mr.Teavee pushed up against me as he came forward with his hands on each side of my head I froze and I guess Mr.Teavee felt me tense up bc he gently moved back and pulled me away from the wall so I was standing up straight "sorry," he said "I-it's fine..." I said and looked ahead "AH the administration offices Hello Doris," Willy said as we stopped I smiled and waved at the Oompa-Loompa to they waved at us but it was a goodbye wave making me put my hand on the glass as we went backwards it happened again making me move a bit we came into a room with all kinds of explosive it was so pretty when it popped as we went down we passed all kinds of stuff making me smile after a good minute Mike piped up "why is everything here completely pointless?" He asked making everyone look at him "candy doesn't have to have a point that's why it's candy" Charlie said making me and Willy smile at Charlie "It's stupid candy is a waste of time" Mike said I looked at his dad and he nodded I looked back at Mike and smacked the back of his head "ow" he said and held the back of his head he turned and looked at Willy "I wanna pick a room" he said making Willy snap out of his thoughts and he smiled "go ahead" Willy said as Mike looked around and ofc he picked The TV room making me roll my eyes when we stopped I put my hand on the wall as we all went forward after a good minute we arrived at a completely White room. Willy walked in and grabbed some glasses "here put these on quick and don't take them off whatever you do" he said handing me some when I put them on I giggled at the color it looks so funny "this light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls and we certainly don't want that now do we?" Willy said/asked and I shook my head making me smile and he smiled at me as he turned around and started walking away "this is the testing room for my very latest and greatest invention television chocolate one day it occurred to me. Hey if television can break up a photograph into millions and millions of tiny pieces and send it whizzing through the air then reassemble it on the other end, why can't I do the same with chocolate? Why can't I send a real bar of chocolate through the television all ready to be eaten" he said. I nodded my head a bit looking at an Oompa-Loompa watching TV "sounds impossible" Mr.Teavee said "it is impossible" Mike said me and Willy looked back at Mike and walked away "you don't understand anything about science first off there's a difference between waves and particles.Duh," Mike said as we kept walking "and second the amount of power it would take to convert energy into matter would be like nine atomic bombs," Mike said looking at Willy "MUMBLER!" Willy yelled making me flinch away a bit "seriously I cannot understand a word you're saying" he looked at me making him soften up when he saw my scared face he stood up all the away and looked away "okey-dokey I shall now send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room to the other by television...Bring in the chocolate!" He said smiling as six Oompa-Loompas brought in a big thing of chocolate "it's gotta be real big because you know how on TV you can film a regular-size man and he comes out looking small same basic principle" Willy said making me lay my head on Charlie's head when Willy pushed the red button the chocolate started floating up when it was all the way up a bright light flashed and it disappears "it's gone!" Charlie said/yelled "told you that chocolate is now rushing through the air above our heads in a million tiny little pieces come over here come on come on come on" willy said as we all ran over to the TV "Watch the screen" he said as we all looked at the moneys after a few seconds the weird-looking wall turned into a chocolate bar I looked in shock "here it comes...Oh, look" Willy said I looked closer and saw the wall turn into chocolate I smiled and looked at Willy "Take it," Willy said nudging Mike "it's just a picture on a screen," Mike said looking at Willy "scaredy-cat...You take it" Willy said to Charlie I and Charlie looked at Willy "Go on just reach out and grab it," Willy said Charlie looked at the TV and slowly reached in grabbing it and pulling it out "oh wow," I said looking at it "eat it.Go on it'll be delicious. It's the same bar it's just gotten a little smaller on the journey that's all" Willy said as Charlie unwraps the chocolate he looked back at Willy and Willy make a weird face to get Charlie to eat it as Charlie took a bite after a few second Charlie looked at Willy again "it's great" Charlie said smiling Willy smiled and walked next to the Oompa-Loompa "so imagine your sitting at home watching television and suddenly a Commercial flash will onto the screen and a voice will say Wonka's chocolate is the best in the world you don't believe us try one for yourself and you just simply reach out and take it" Willy said making me smile at him "can you send other things? Say like breakfast cereal?" Mr.Teavee asked "do you have any ideas what breakfast cereals are made of it's those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners" Willy said making me shiver "could you send it by television if you wanted to?" Charlie asked looking up at Willy "ofc i could" he said looking happy "what about people?" Mike asked "well why would I want to send a person they don't taste very good" willy said making me laugh in my hands "Don't you realize what you've invented it's a teleporter" Mike said and i rolled my eyes "It's the most important Invention in the history of the world and all you think about is chocolate" Mike said "Calm down like I think Mr.Wonka knows what he's talking about" Mr.Teavee said" No he doesn't he has no idea You think he's a genius but he's an idiot...but im not" Mike said running past Willy "hey little boy don't push my button!" Willy yelled out but I grabbed his hand as a smirk crept on my face as Mike pushed the button and jumped on the platform as he started flouting when he disappears willy pulled me to the tv as the other's followers us "I hope no part of him gets left behind" Willy said leaning over me as I giggle "what do you mean?!" Mr.Teavee asked panicked ''Well sometimes Little pieces cant find their way through" Willy explained to him "If you had to pick a part of your son what part would you take?" II asked looking at Mr.Teavee and he quickly looked at me "what kinda question is that?!" he asked Aggravated making me back into Willy a bit. He put his arms around me as if he was a wolf protecting his mate "it was just a question" Willy said glaring at Mr.Teavee When Willy told the oompa-loompa to try every channel And that he was getting a little anxious and when he turned back he put his arms around me again "are you alright mon ange?" Willy asked. Making me pull his arms around me more he chuckled kissing my neck a bit as he did i pushed myself against him when I did he pushed my ass away gently and Squeezie hard making me squirm wanting him to touch me more "not here don't be a bad girl~" he purred in my ear making me shiver "there he is" Charlie said. When I and Willy looked at the tv we saw Mike "Mike" Mr.Teavee said

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