✭𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚖𓆉

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                              Y/n's POV

"Are the oompa-loompas Really joking y/n?" Charlie asked coming up to me "ofc they are the boy will be just fine" i said , rubbing his shoulder I heard a chuckle next to me. I looked up at Mr.Wonka and he looked at the chocolate river. I jumped a bit when I heard a hit of a drum making me look at this big beautiful boat. When it stopped the oompa-loompas started giggling "what's so funny" Violet asked "I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans" Mr.Wonka said looking at violet "Hey by the why did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love" Mr.Wonka said chuckling a bit "you don't say" Mrs.bitch face said "BACK off darling his mine" I sneered at her she backed up as Charlie and Mr.Wonka pulled/pushed me back "All aboard" Mr.Wonka said "yeah before she rips her face off" Charlie said when everyone got on Mr.Wonka helped me on but he didn't let my hand go 'come on I promise not to kill her....fast' I sat down and Mr.Wonka sat next to me Charlie didn't sit next to me he sat in front of Mr.Wonka and next to Mr.Teavee "onward" I heard Mr.Wonka say as the oompa-loompa started drumming again "here try it uh Charlie it'll do you good you look starved to death" Mr.Wonka said giving a big spoon full of chocolate Charlie. Charlie took it and took a sip smiling as he looked back at Mr.Wonka "it's great" Charlie said handing it to me but I denied it 'no way not after what happened' "that's because it's mixed by waterfall The waterfall is most important mix the chocolate turns it up makes it light and frothy by the way no other factory in the world-" mr. Wonka started but was cut off by veruca " you already said that" she said with an attitude Mr.Wonka stopped and looked at all the kids "you're all quite short aren't you" Mr.Wonka said " well yeah we're children" "that's no excuse I was never as short as you" "you were once" "was not know why? Because I did because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head look at your short little arms you could never reach" Mr.Wonka said holding his ground I giggled covering my mouth a bit "Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?" Charlie asked looking at Mr.Wonka "oh boy do i...do i?" Mr.Wonka said looking forward I laid my head in my hands Until I saw we were heading for a tunnel "Mr.Wonka? Mr.Wonka! We're headed for a tunnel" I said, pulling at his hand a bit "oh yeah full speed ahead!" The oompa-loompa started hitting the drum a little faster "how can they see where they're going?" Violet asked "They can't there's no knowing where they're going. switch on the lights!" Mr.Wonka said 'oh god' when the lights came on the boat went down making me hold onto Mr.Wonka's arm "ohhh if you wanted to kill me you could have before this!" I said hiding my face in Mr.Wonka's arm he chuckled and rubbed my head a bit when the boat slowed down I didn't move "people keep an eye out we're passing some very important rooms that's when I moved my head so I could see 'clotted cream coffee cream h-hair cream?' I thought giggling "what do you use hair cream for?" Mrs.Beauregard asked

                    Mr.Wonka's POV

"What do you use hair cream for?" Mrs.Beauregard asked looking at me "to lock in moisture" I said Messing with my hair she looked away as if I said something weird I looked over at y/n and see she had her eyes close I smiled and looked at her little brother and he was just smiling at me and his sister he looked away and to one of the rooms "whipped cream" he said making me smile "precisely" I said chuckling "that doesn't make sense" the little Brat in front said I went to say something but was interrupted "the only thing that doesn't make sense is your outfit"I looked over at y/n and she still had her eyes close "for your information little girl whipped cream is it whipped cream at all unless it's been whips with whips everybody knows that" I said looking back at her. When the Oompa-Loomps drumming started getting faster y/n sat up moving closer to me and held on tight making me chuckle putting my arm around her she looked up at me with pleading  eyes to stop the boat. when the boat slowed down I looked at one of the rooms and smiled "stop the boat I wanna show you guys something" I said making y/n sigh as she sat up. We slowly stopped at the inventing Room when everyone got off. I helped y/n get off and she helped me even though I didn't need it. when we walked in y/n jumped at the sound I chuckled 'it is loud in here I don't blame her for getting a little scared' I thought putting my hand on her lower back but took it away so I could walk in front of everyone "now this is the most important room in the entire factory now everyone enjoy yourselves but just don't touch anything okay? Go on. Go on, scoot" I said as everyone ran off. I saw y/n walk to one of the Machine's. She let her hand hover over it but she didn't touch it. I looked at her a little closer and saw she was shivering I took my top coat off and walked over to her

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