whats going on?

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the next morning you had woke to find that Willy wasn't in the bed like he normally was. you got up took a shower and did what you normally do in the morning then you walked out trying to find out where Willy would be. 

you first checked the candy room. he wasn't there.

then the Inventing room. he wasn't there either.

you had checked everywhere but the nut room, after what happened with Veruca Salt you just couldn't bring yourself to open the door out of fear of them jumping on you. 

you stood there for a moment before you got the courage and opened the door "Willy?" you questioned as you stuck your head in.

Before you could walk in you felt hands on your hips and you gave a loud scream and pulled the door close and turned to see Willy standing there with his hands up "Whoa its just me it's Willy"

You put your hand on your chest with a heavy sigh and hit Willys arm "you do had me thinking your damn squirrels had me!"

He chuckled and rubbed his arm "I'm sorry Ma petite I didn't mean to scare you I was just coming to check up  everywhere and the Squirrels were next"

You gave him a small side glance as you put your hands on your hips "there just fine. Almost got killed. But there fine" you said walking to the elevator and shook your body a bit "I hate Squirrels"

Willy chuckled and stepped into the elevator with you "I wanna take you somewhere. Can i?" He asked turning you to him. You smiled and nodded "Of course you can Willy. Ya don't have to ask"

He smiled and kissed your lips as he reached over and pushed the "up and out" Button

As it reached the top you grabbed onto Willy and he held you close as you broke through the glass.

It took a few minutes to get to where Willy waned to take you and as you seen your mom, dad, grandma's, Grandpas, Mr.Wanka and Charlie you smiled then your smile turned to concern as you looked at him "what did you do?"

He chuckled and stepped out of the elevator as he took your hand "nothing my dear"

He took you to the middle of the Circle where your family stood as they smiled with tears in there eyes that concern "what's going on?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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