Im sorry my Dear

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It had been 9 years since you and Willy got together everything was great...well almost.

Willy and his father have been arguing about the factory. The candy I mean.

Willy had just sent out a new candy, well not all that new it's just a root beer flavored laffyTaffy it's more chewy than the others.

But what made it worse is that YOU had came up with the idea and Mr.Wonka didn't know it but the way he had been with Willy you regret ever having the idea.

Willy didn't tell his father that it was your idea bc he could see what was coming and he didn't want him mad at you so he took the blame.

But with everything going on with them and Willys father dragging you into the arguments you were stressed and it was so bad that you hadn't notice until now...

POV Narrators

You ware sitting under one of the candy apple trees trying to come up with some new candy ideas to take your mind off of everything, or at least it did until Willy and his father came in arguing about the candys

"Willy the candies that you have been making are going to hurt kid's teeth" Mr.Wonka said you sighed trying to keep your mind on trying to make new candies

"will you back off, if the kids hurt their teeth it's not my fault, blame that on their parents, their the ones who gets the candies for their kids!"

Willy snapped, then him and his father went at it even more.

Trying to keep your mind from getting off track you stood up and walked over Willy and his father gently putting your hand on Willys forearm he looked at you and gently put his arm around your shoulders pulling you in as his facial expressions softened at the sight of your pail skin from all the stress

"Y/n will you tell Willy that if he keeps selling the candies that all those kid will have cavities from the stickiness getting stuck in their teeth" Mr.Wonka said looking at you with a serious/exhausted expression

"I-I um" you stuttered gripping onto Willys overcoat "can we not bring y/n into this you keep bring her into our arguments there is no reason to keep doing that" Willy said defending you

"the only reason I bring her into the arguments is bc if anyone can agree with me that your idea was stupid is her!" Mr.Wonka yelled "SHUT UP" you yelled pushing away from Willy and getting in Mr.Wonka's face

"IT WAS MY IDEA OK!? It was my idea...I came up with the idea for the candy!" You yelled trying to stay up as your vision started to become blurry

"I'm the one who came up with it so it''s not fair for you, you to yell at Willy and Willy it wasn't fair f-for you to lie to your father about who-who came up with the idea" you said putting your hand on your forehead as Willy put his hand on your waist "are you alright petite fille (babygirl)" Willy asked and before you said anything to him and Mr.Wonka you had passed out and fell in Willys arms..

Time skip

You had been asleep for a good 2 hours and Willy didn't know what to do he was worried about you all he could do is sit by the bed and think about how he's gonna make it up to you and how bad this could have been.

when you woke up and opened your eyes you looked over to where Willy sleeps and when you didn't see him you tensed up until you felt a hand on your shoulder.

you quietly looked over to see Willy looking at you with soft eyes.

you relaxed a bit, Willy smiled softly and kissed your lips "are you ok mon chéri (my dear)" Willy asked softly as he moved some hair away from your face "I'm fine.."

you gently grabbed his hand "I'm so sorry mi amor if I would have just been honest with my father and told him you had made it none of this would have happened."

Willy said looking down, you smiled and slowly sat up "it's fine and it's my fault to if wouldn't have came up with the stupid idea you and your Father wouldn't have been fighting..."

you said putting your head down in shame feeling bad for what happened.

Willy sighed putting his index finger and his thumb on your chin and lifted your head up so you where looking him in the eyes

"it's not your fault it was never your fault my father just doesn't like the idea of candy he never has that's why I ran away when I was a kid bc he never wanted me to do this and bc he was a dick"

Willy said chuckling you nodded moving his hand and nudged your face into the palm of his hand

he smiled and gently pulled you into a kiss. Smiling you leaned into the kiss relaxing even more "I'm gonna make it up to all of it all the stress and everything that you had been through bc of this stupid fight so when your ready get up dress in a nice outfit and we can go out and eat and maybe we can go shopping"

Willy said smiling you nodded and kissing him again

"ok baby thank you" you said softly "your welcome" Willy said softly kissing your forehead

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