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After a bit you got up took a shower, brush your teeth and hair and fixed it up to look nice now all your stuck on is the outfit.

one is a Loose-fitting black dress with long sleeves that go to your ankles and the second one is a dark green with a lace front and back that comes to your thighs "It's  gonna be a nice dinner so we'll go with you" grabbing the b/g (black, green) dress you slipped into it and started doing your makeup.

When you got done you walked out and followed one of the loompas to Willy who was at the side door waiting for you.

Willy looked you up and down in awe as a small smile appeared on his lips "mi amor you look amazing" Willy said kissing you softly with his hands on your waist with his thumb rubbing up and down on your hip.

You giggled a bit and pulled away from the kiss "do you like what I'm wearing" you asked smirking a bit "you have no idea baby" Willy said kissing you as you both swayed.

pulling away Willy opened the door letting you walk out first as he followed behind "so where are we going Willy?" You asked grabbing onto his arm making sure to stay close to him "that's a surprise mi amor just know that your gonna love it" Willy said holding your hand.

you two walked into town seeing all the lights and decors on until you walked into a beautiful restaurant "Ah Mr. Wonka just on time let's get you and your beautiful lady seated" the waiter said walking us to our seats, sitting down the man handed us menus and asked what we wanted to drink "water please" "and a bottle of red wine" Willy said looking at the waiter "yes sir I'll be back" and with that the waiter walked away.

"This place is beautiful Willy I think I'm under dressed though" you said rubbing the back of your neck "no mi amor you look amazing under dressed or over dressed, if you ask me, you look too beautiful to be out in the open for everyone to see."

blushing you looked away smiling at Willys comment "Willy stop your making me blush" he chuckled and grabbed your hand rubbing his thumb on the top of it, When the waiter came back with the red wine and your water, he sat two glasses down and filled both up with the wine.

"Do you two know what you want to eat?" The waiter asked pulling out his notepad "yes I'll have the rare steak with Roast pumpkin in a pine nut burnt butter and what will you have my love?" Willy questioned looking at you. you looked at the menu. 

"Um I-I" you started scanning the menu not knowing what to get "she'll have the same thing but with Smoked potato and Cauliflower does that sound ok love?" you smiled and nodded "yes that sounds delicious thank you dear" "alright I'll have that out before you know it" and with that he walked away again but with the menus.

"I didn't know what you wanted so I got you almost the same thing I got" "it sounds delicious Willy; I'll gladly try it but i don't eat Cauliflower all that much" you said smiling.

"I'll keep that in mind" after a while your food arrived, you and Willy both started eating with a smile on your faces "this is so good thank you for bringing me here dear" "you're welcome love anytime you wanna go out just ask and I'll take you to the most wonderful restaurant in the world" you smiled and kept eating.

After you both got full Willy payed and you both left with smiles on your face "where to now mi amor?" "Hmm idk how about going home and having us some fun~" you said smirking.

He smirked and grabbed your waist and pulled you in front of him "are you sure you can handle me~"

You smirked and kissed him "of course i can I did last time didn't I."

He slapped your ass, and you jumped a bit "then let's get home~"

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