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The next day I took off work and helped my parents fix the roof and when we got done I swept the floor for my mum.

My dad got a new job to fix that stupid robot at the toothpaste factory and things have never been better for our family yes i was still upset over Willy but I'm with my family and I'm glad to have them

Willy Wonka's POV

I was laying on a chair in my therapist's room bc i haven't been feeling good "I can't put my finger on it candies the only thing I've been certain of and now I'm just not so sure at all I don't know what flavor to make i don't know what ideas to try I'm second-guessing myself that's nuts I've always made what candy I felt like and I-"

I pause and sat up "that's just it. i make the candy based on how i feel like but now i feel Terrible so the Candys terrible" smiling I looked over to the Oompa-Loompa "you're, very good at this"  the Oompa-Loompa took his glasses off and nodded at me.

Later I went to Charlie's work and sat down with a Newspaper in my hands.

When he got to my shoes I started talking "shame about that chocolate fellow Wendell Walter?" I said acting like I didn't know about me. "Willy Wonka" Charlie said "That's the one. Says here in the paper his candies aren't selling very well. Though maybe I suppose he's just a rotten egg. Who deserves it?"

"yep" chalire said 'don't need to answer it so fast' I thought "oh really?. Have you ever met him?" i asked Already knowing the answer

"i did i thought he was great but he broke my older sisters heart.." he said 'i hurt y/n damn i didn't mean to' i thought as I felt horrible "he Also has a funny haircut" i moved the paper away from my face and looked at him "i do not!"

"why are you here?" He looked up at me "I don't feel so hot, what makes you feel better when you feel terrible" i asked "my family" i sat back with a look of Disgust on my face and he stood up

"what do you have against my family?" he asked "it's not just your family it's the hole idea of-*sigh*you know there always telling you what to do and what not to do and it's not a conducive atmosphere" i said looking at him and then at a candy shop then back at him

"Usually they are just trying to protect you bc they love you" he said i made a face and looked back at the candy shop "if you don't believe me you Should ask" he said and i looked at him again "ask who my father? Haha no way" i said and looked away

"at least not by myself" i said "you want me to go with you" he asked "hey you know what that's not a bad- ugh but i know your sister would kill me she protective of you" i said sitting back

"we could ask her to come with us" i sat up "that sounds like i great idea lets go get her" i said smiling "alright she's over there in the candy shop come on"

i got up and followed when we walked in y/n was giving some kids taste tests of candy's 'she has my glasses on' I thought smiling when the kid picked what they wanted she paid for them and the kids ran out happy. y/n turned and started putting stuff on the shelves

"y/n i need you to come with us" charlie said but y/n didn't turn "unfortly little brother im buys'' y/n said with a giggle "mon ange we need your help"

i said walking up to the counter y/n froze "y/n we need you to come with us please" i said walking behind her "why are you here i dont want to see you Wonka.."

i could hear the hurt in her voice "mon ange please i'm sorry for what i did but please" i said putting my hand on her waist she grabbed my hand and pushed it away

"why should I help you Wanka you tried to take my brother not only that you broke a hole in my parents roof and not only that you hurt me Wonka" she pushed pass me and walked over the a different side of the store

I quickly followed behind "please y/n I need your help. I need you please I'll do anything" she looked at me "anything?" She questioned I nodded she turned all the way and jump in my arms crying it broke me.

i took her glasses off her face and kissed her i felt the little smile on her lips  "i'm so so sorry my love i was wrong" i said as tear came to my eyes but she couldn't see it "all i wanted was you to say sorry i couldn't move on.  i fell for you Willy" she cried out i smiled and kissed her head "does this mean you'll help us?"

I questioned and she sniffed and looked at me "where are we going?" she asked "where going to talk to his dad" Charlie said i looked at y/n and she smiled "alright let's get going!"

she said and walked to the back of the store and came back with "is that my overcoat i let you wear?" I asked smiling "yes and you're not getting it back," she said walking out of the store I just chuckle at her and walked out behind Charlie

" so how are we getting there?" y/n asked locking up the store "oh yeah," I said walking away with them following me "I have Transport-" I was cut off by me face planting into the glass elevator I, fell to the ground on my back and saw y/n with a smirk on her face "don't. you. dare" I said and her smirk turned into a grin as she covered Charlie's ears

"YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT" she screamed "god I missed that," I said as I got up. I chuckled and opened the elevator "I have to be more careful where I park this thing,"

I said Charlie walked in first then y/n as she was walking by me I smacked her ass making her yelp a bit "oh sorry there was a Magnet on your ass and my hand is made of metal," she giggled.

she slapped my chest as I got in the elevator. It took a good while until we got to a house in the middle of a snowy place y/n looked happy to see a lot of snow when we got to the ground y/n run out and grabbed some snow and threw it at me I chuckled and she giggled when we got up to the house I started getting Nervous

"I think we got the wrong house" I said until I was Doctor Wilbert Wonka on the making y/n giggle

y/n's POV

I giggled at Willy's face when he saw we were at the right place.

I rang the bell and grabbed Willy's hand making him look at me "it's gonna be fine we're here with you" I said before he could say anything the door opened

"Do you have an appointment?" Mr.Wilbert asked looking at us "no" I said, "but he's over Overdue" Charlie said Finishing my sentence when we got in Willy was sat in a chair he made a face as it went back

"open" the man said so he could look at Willy's teeth Willy opened his mouth slowly "now let's see what the damage is shall we" Mr.Wilbert said

I looked at some pictures and news articles of Willy making me smile "heavens I haven't see teeth like this scents...." the man started taking the little mirror out of his mouth and looked at Willy

"Willy?" The man questioned "hi dad" Willy said making me smile the man sat his tools down and stood up straight and so did Willy "all these years and you haven't flossed" the man said smiling at his son "not once"

Mr.Wilbert reached out and hugged Willy. But Willy didn't know what to do so he copped how he hugs me but his hands went higher.

When they pulled away Mr.Wilbert looked at me and charlie "you must be his wife and you must be his son" Mr.Wilbert said making me blushes and shake my head

"no-no Charlies my brother and im-" I stopped and looked at Willy as I smile came up to my face "I'm Willy's girlfriend not wife" I said looking at Mr.Wilbert "oh Willy you have a beautiful girlfriend" Mr.Wilbert said coming over to me and hugged me "your just as beautiful as his mother" I chuckled nervously

"heh it's nice to meet you Mr.Wilbert" I said pulling away "please just call me Wilbert" Mr.Wilbert said I smiled at him and felt a pair of arms go around my waist making me lay my head back on Willy's chest "you big baby" I said making Mr.Wilbert and Charlie chuckle

"Well why don't we all relax and talk it been a long time" Mr.Wilbert said making me smile. After a good hour, we had to go so we said our goodbyes and left when we got home Willy asked Charlie if he would take up his offer again and Charlie said yes bc Willy said all of us mum, dad, and our grandparent's could live there to.

ofc I was happy bc Willy asked me to be his Official girlfriend and he asked if i would move in with him and ofc i said yes

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