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When you got home you and Willy made out all the way to the bedroom and you had even knocked over expensive knickknacks that you knew Willy could just buy again.

When you got to the bedroom Willy had picked you up and held you against the wall as he pulled on your hair and kissed down your neck leaving sloppy kisses

You moaned and tangled your hands in his hair as you laid your head back on the wall "Oh fuck Willy~"

You grind against Willy as best as you possibly could wanting Willy to touch you the way he did last time.

Willy pulled you off the wall and slammed you on the bed as he slid his hand up your dress and started rubbing your clit from outside of your thong.

You moaned and grind against Willys hands as you gripped onto the bed sheets "W-Willy please~"

You began to beg as Willy moved his fingers slowly against your entry.

He smirked as he bit your neck in a loving way "please what baby~"

Willy cooded in your ear as he teased you even more.

"Please Willy fucks me please I need you I-oh fuck I crave for your cock in me please!~" you moaned as you bucked your hips into Willys hand as he pulled his hand back and gently slapped your cunt making you jump a bit.

"That's my good girl~" Willy stood up and sat on his knees as he pulled you towards the edge of the bed.

Willy pulled off your thongs and ran his fingers slowly down your cunt as he admires it.

He looked up at you with lust and love in his eyes, he brought his lips close as his tongue came out and licked your clit.

You let out a little gasp at the feeling of his tongue as you bucked your hips at Willys face begging him for more.

A second later Willy put his lips on your cunt and started eating you out as he pushed and pulled his tongue in and out of your cunt as he rubbed your hips up and down.

"Oh, Willy your tongue feels amazing~" Willy slowly pulled away and stood up as he took his clothes off and you did the same pulling the dress off that you had on and threw it away from you and Willy.

Willy climbed on top of you as you moved back, and Willy put one of your legs on his shoulder. he smiled and rubbed your leg as he lined himself up to your cunt and slowly pushed into you. you moaned and griped onto Willys arm as he groaned and threw his head back "oh y/n it seems that I didn't stretch you out last time. ugh your still tight" he leaned down to your ear and smirked "but I like you that way my dear~"

you squeezed around his cock causing him to groan as he started thrusting into you hitting your sweet spot over and over again. Willy bit your shoulder and thrusted harder into your cunt not stopping not even for the phone call that could have been important he just kept going, when you got close, he pulled out and looked at you only to see you coming back done from your high and look at him "oh don't worry mi amor you'll come soon enough just not now~" 

he slowly got down on his knees and started eating you out again his tongue pushing in and pulling out of you as you gripped onto his hair and moaned, "o-oh Willy please" he didn't look at you as he went slow and rubbed circles on your clit as you almost came, he pulled back and moved your hand.

you whimpered this time and looked at him, he just had a smirk on his lips as he got back on top of you and put your legs on his hips "I hope you're ready for the ride of your life mi amor because we aren't goanna stop tell your shaking~" he chuckled as he pushed back into you and started thrusting harder and fast into your cunt. He did what he said he didn't stop not until you both were a shaking, panting and cum covered mess.

Willy laid next to you with a smile on his lips as he pulled you to him and laid your head on his chest "I didn't hurt you did I mi amor?" you slowly shook your head and looked at him "no baby you didn't hurt me." you smiled, and you both shared a kiss before you and Willy drifted off to sleep holding each other as if one of you were gonna disappear in the middle of the night.

(I'm so so sooo sorry for the long wait i just had stuff come up and i lost motivation but now that I'm back I'll try my hardest to get some more on here for all of you to enjoy but for ill talk to you later bye!!)

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