( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝙁𝙪𝙣~( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Time Skip 2 months later

I was helping my mum cook for the family while dad got everyone but grandpa joe to the table because was helping set the table when I put the corn on the table Willy and Charlie came in

Willy smiled at me when i came over and jumped in his arms "welcome home babe" i said hugging him tightly "thank you chéri" he said kissing my head

when i let go i hug Charlie and ruffled his hair "welcome home little bro"

getting back up I take their coats and Willy's hat and put them up when I walked back to the table as Charlie and Willy sat down

"sorry we're late we was brainstorming" I smiled and helped my mom set the table "staying for diner Willy?" dad asked putting out another chair for Willy "oh yes please"

I sat down and Willy sat next to Grandma Georgina he looked a little shy but he was smiling "you smell like peanut. I love peanuts" grandma Georgina said i smiled at them and looked at Charlie

"elbows off the table Charlie" i said and looked back at Willy "oh thank you and you smell like old people and soap [he leaned down a bit] i like that" he said smiling grandma Georgina smiled and hugged Willy.

He patted her arm smiling. Midway through dinner I took my shoe off and started rubbing Willys cock through his pants he tensed up and looked at me as I took my spoon and "actually" dropped it "crap" I mumbled and went under the table.

When I got under it I rubbed Willys cock through his pants again and kissed around it slowly he tensed again and moved his hand under the table to my face.

As he did so I grabbed his hand and started sucking on his pointer finger.

After that I had grabbed my spoon and got back up in my seat.

Willy looked at me with a lustful look "chéri? Would you want to come home with me tonight" i smiled and nodded "yeah I'd like that". (chéri ‒means babe. Pronounce it with three "rrr" from the throat to make it sound even more French)

After dinner me and Willy left after we said our goodbyes. When we got to his room I took off my coat and flopped onto the bed on my stomach.

Narrative POV

After a bit you felt hands on your waist and lips on your neck.

You smiled and grabbed his hands "yes Dear?" you asked acting innocent as you turned to look at him "you've been teasing me ever since i came over for dinner" he said rubbing his hands up your shirt

"so what i have a right to" you said grinding against him making him groan. He slapped your ass making you jump a bit and moan "Willy~" he chuckled and nibbled on your ear "ooooh my little Animaux (pet in French) if only you knew what you are in for~" you smiled and slowly pulled his shirt up over his head. He smirked as you slowly kissed down his neck then his chest to his abs all the away until you got on your knees with your hand grazing his cock as his bulge grows bigger. He snatched your hands with one of his and looked you in the eyes "not a chance Animaux it's your turn. Now~" He groaned in your ear as he pulled you up and grabbed your waist with his free hand. You smirked and went in for a kiss but he pulled back with a mischievous grains "no bad girl~" he said slapping your ass harder making you gasp in pleasure/pain. Willy slowly pushed you back on the bed to where your on your back.

You looked up at Willy and smiled seeing the lust in his eyes.

It didn't take no time for him to get you out of your clothes and have you on edge with your moans echoing in the room from your mouth.

After a bit he pulled his clothes off and lined himself up with your entry "you ready my little cum slut" Willy asked pulling your hair back making you look at him.

You smiled and looked him in the eyes "fuck yea" you moaned a bit Willy smirked and pushed into you.

You groaned and grabbed onto Willy's forearm in pain "W-Willy.." you groaned.

He looked at you to see your eyes closed tight with tears at the corner of them "hey it's ok mi amor I'll go slow until you get used to it" he whispered in your ear he thrusted into you slowly as you held onto his arm. When you got used to it Willy got into it marking you with bites and everything as your moans echoed louder then before as his hand prints marked your ass it wasn't long before you both cam.

when Willy pulled out of you he laid on his back and gently pulled you to his chest rubbing your arm "I didn't hurt you did I gumdrop?" Willy asked looking up at the ceiling. When he didn't get a response he looked at you to see your smiling sleeping face Willy chuckled and pulled you closer making you smile more he kissed your head and laid back falling asleep with a grip on you as if you'll leave him in the night

The next morning Willy woke up and you weren't there "y/n?" as he got up he heard the shower going.

smiling he got up and walked in the bathroom "baby" he said walking up to the shower "yeah Willy?" You said in the sweetest voice you could manage

"mind if i join?" Willy asked you giggled and shook your head "sure i don't mind" you said and moved over for him to get in.

when he got in he kissed your head and made a face making you giggled and wiped the soap off his lips "soapy?" you asked "vary" he said kissing your lips... After the shower you and Willy walked around the candy room until you got a great idea you snuck off and climbed up one of the candy apple tree to scare Willy

"y/n where'd you go?" you heard Willy asked as he was looking around you giggle and picked off an apple throwing it next to Willy "AH what the?" Willy questions looking up in the candy trees looking for you "hey handsome you come here often?" you questioned trying to keep from laughing

"y/n where are you i don't see you" Willy said you giggle and threw an apple next to him again this time he knew what tree you were in and walked over to it "you know you could fall and get hurt right" Willy said looking up at you "yeah I know" you said getting down and jump in his arms making him chuckle"

I love you gumdrop" Willy said kissing your head "I know" you said and giggled at his pouting face "alright i love you to" you said smiling

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