Chapter 1: For The First Time

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Destiny are things meant to happen, and It is something out of our control and events that, what matter we do, are inevitable.

They say it leads us to the right person, but...

What if our destiny is fucked up enough to destroy us?

A part of twist of fate that is bound to happen for memories to reminisce and farewells..,

But not to stay?


Chapter 1

"For the First time."

I was told by the landlord just yesterday that a newbie will be moving in today. It is not a surprise but still sudden.

She should have told me more ahead of time, so I could at least enjoy few weeks of aloneness in my dorm.

I went to the living room to clean after tidying my room. It's not that messy, but I have shame, so I insisted on cleaning it for the newbie.

I just finished cleaning the floor when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw this child-looking man with his luggage and handbags.

He's wearing black jumpsuit pants and a white pullover jacket partnered with his white sneaker, having that artistic vibes around him.

I tried my best to hide my surprise. I'm actually expecting a dorm mate that's a total opposite of this child-looking man.

He stares at me blankly, then smiles, his eyes automatically formed crescent. I wonder if he still sees me.

"Oh! you must be the newbie." I started breaking the ice. He just nodded. He seemed to wait for me to invite him in, so I did, "Let me help you with that." I offered him and took one of his luggage. It's pretty heavy, actually.

"You brought all these things alone?" I asked him. He has four bags in total. 2 luggage and 2 handbags. He looks like someone who ran away from home and did not have a plan to come back.

"Ah! my friends helped me," he replied with a smile. It's cute how he smiles with his brows saying otherwise. Hopefully, it's just his eyebrows.

I watched him look around the dorm, he opened the door of my room, but I did not even bother to stop him like I usually do.

He's not tiny but not tall either. He has this body frame that is not too big nor too small. He looks like a typical teenager that above average when it comes to aura and looks. I don't even know if you can still follow but to keep it simple, a head-turner.

"Is this my room?" I snap back to reality when he asked me. His brows are furrowing, which tells me he's been asking me for times now.

It seems like I'm giving him too much attention right now that I slipped from reality for a second.

I let out an awkward "Ah!" to recover. "That's the storage room." I replied, then glanced at the door of his room, "Over there." I added while looking at him and pointing to his room.

I saw him relieved for a second, and I'll be too for not cleaning a pile of boxes with him on his moving day. "That scared me." He said in a low tone, then started to carry his bags to his room.

I can now see him struggling and stumbling while trying to lift both of his handbags. I did not notice that a while ago. A smile unconsciously formed on my lips, and I only realized it when I saw my reflection on the glass cabinet facing me.

Without saying anything, I grabbed the handbags on his hands gently and carried them using one hand. At the same time, my other hand picked one of his luggage, leaving him one to carry.

I manage to open the door of his room and place his bags beside his bed. I watch him enter his room. "You're actually settled here. You just need to put your things. If you want to move something or needs help, just call me." I told him, then patted his shoulder.

"Thank you," he said as he nods and while eyes were wandering around, I was already at his door when he asked me something.

"What should I call you?" The diffidence was very evident when he inquired that. It was in a soft tone, yet the hesitation of asking was present. I wonder if he also finds me scary and intimidating, just like my dorm mates before.

"Jay," I replied and gave him a small smile I don't usually offer to anyone. Well, he's my dorm mate and someone I need to get along with for a long time.

"Jay." he repeated as he nodded, "I'm Jungwon, Yang Jungwon. You can call me Won or One..., anything." He added with a smile revealing his deep dimple.

How does he do that?

Smiling with his eyes shining.

I smiled back at him as it's just impossible not to, "Okay then, One." I replied. "Did you had your breakfast?" I asked him before leaving his room, he nodded and replied, "I did at my friend's house." with that, I went to the kitchen bar to make myself a cereal.

I also poured a glass of milk for One. I just feel like I should give or offer something to welcome him.

I went to his room and put the glass of milk on his study table, just in the same corner of his door. "Drink this, Uhm... if you just like." I said with awkwardness and went out for my cereal.

It's Saturday, so I don't have any classes. If you're curious, why I'm here? Surely not because I'm waiting for my dorm mate, but obviously, I'm not the kind of person who loves going out during free days. I usually enjoy the thing they call "me time." I typically stay at this dorm watching movies, sleeping, and whatnot.

It's now lunch, and that's how fast time flies. I went to the kitchen and checked what I have on the fridge. Good thing I still have something we can eat for lunch.

"Meat, eggs, leafy vegetables, potatoes," I murmured to myself while looking at what inside my fridge. Actually, there's more, but it will going to take forever to mention everything, so I would rather not.

After checking my fridge, I glance at Jungwon's room. His door is still open. I assume that he's still busy arranging his things. I'm not mistaken when I saw him rummaging on his bags.

"Do you have any food allergies?" I asked him. Surely he's going to be busy until the sun settles and won't have time to prepare his own food. I happened to be not stingy enough to only cook for myself.

"Uhmm, I don't have one. Why?" One asked, looking confuse and curious at the same time.

"Okay then, I can't ask you if you have anything you want to eat right now. The fridge doesn't allow me either." I told him, but he just laughed.

He swiftly ran his fingers through his hair that had been covering his forehead and somehow his eyes before looking at me. "Then ask me next time, Jay hyung," he said, then smiled before going back doing his things.

I don't know, but this weird, unfamiliar feeling took over my body. It's like there's a hot feeling building up inside me, and I need to make a room not to blast it.

I walked back to the kitchen, tapping my chest as it partly hurt for some reason but what's weirder is, I'm actually smiling and liking the warmth inside me. Feeling lost to the time and these unfamiliar feelings I felt for the first time.

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