Chapter 21.2: The Moon is Beautiful Isn't It?

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Chapter 21.2

The Moon is Beautiful Isn't It?

I'm now in my room, but instead of opening the gifts, I received. I'm watching my phone waiting for someone to call.

Even just a text would be enough for me. Even if he doesn't greet me, and he really forgot, I will settle for it as long as I know he is fine.

I glanced at the wall clock in my room. It's just an hour away before my day ends, and I'm still waiting for him,

I find it unfair. He made me used to his calls only to leave me hanging and waiting for him these past few days. I can't even take myself to blame him.

I picked up my phone on my side cabinet and decided to text him again, Not worrying if he finds me clingy. I just want to know he's safe.

To: Jay Hyung

"Jay Hyung, you're safe, right? Nothing happened to you, right?"

After sending it, 10 minutes had passed, and I receive nothing from him. I smiled gloomily. It was a happy day indeed, but I couldn't help but feel like something was missing.

I started to feel bad for the people who congratulated me, especially my granny, who prepared everything.

I can't help but find a possible excuse for him to at least soothes and comfort my own, Just like I always do. He must be tired and now sleeping... It's pretty late, too, so it's normal if he's already asleep. It must be a long day for him today, just like me.

I continued to convince myself. It was okay until tears started to fall out of frustration. Different scenarios on my head pestered me. The more I think, the more chaos in my system gets heavy together with uneasiness. Including him on accidents and even changes of heart.

Now I think of it, he was always the one who made a move and effort to get close to me. He's always the first who reach to me. Perhaps that was the reason it feels incomplete and empty without him. He became a piece of me without me even realizing it. It's selfish to admit, but I'm not used to this.

I'm not used to this anymore. I'm not used without any sign of him. I want his presence even just a minute in a day. I want to hear his voice, see him even through just my phone screen, I missed him declaring he likes me in his own way. 

I simply want him and miss him, and that is driving me crazy.

I didn't even know how long I was crying when my phone rang.

I immediately picked it up to see who it was and finally saw the name of the person I wanted to talk to and missed so much, the same reason I'm crying right now. I answered it right away, even after planning not too to seek my vengeance.

I tried to hide my sobs as I wiped my tears away. I can't believe I"ll be crying for this reason. I guess I'm madly in love with him.

"One." He called me softly. 

That made my heart jump for a bit as it continued to beat fast. I'm hearing his voice for the first time again after three days. I can catch a hint of tiredness in his voice. But my system couldn't help but celebrate as it felt like he finally came home to me, at least to me. How I missed his voice so much.

I did not say anything, afraid of my own sobs echoing through the phone. I closed my eyes to control my emotions and listen to his voice I missed so much these past few days. "How was your day?" he asked me gently in a low tone voice.

"I'm fine., are you okay?" I asked him back when I calmed down, he's voice surely did tranquilize me, just like magic, as if it was the answer to everything. It made me emotional for a moment.

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