Chapter 28: Silent Battles

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Chapter 28

Silent Battles

That night One didn't say anything, he let me assure him, but he didn't say any word, just sobs and pain without sounds. He just stared at me with commotion in his eyes but didn't dare to say anything. He cried in terrors, uncertainties, and frustration but chose not to confront me and ask.

We both suffered and continued to suffer in silence. To battles, we chose to go through all by ourselves.

I know he was waiting in silence, he was crying and enduring in silence, he was patiently choosing to trust me, that I will open up to him one day, and he's willing to wait.

And I, suffering thinking of ways to resolve the problem on my own and tell him so, it would be all worth it and long days with cold shoulder would be over between us.

As we suffer in this silence, and as it last... Everything continues to drift apart, and it is slowly killing me.

It was Sunday today, and I had no class, same with One, who's still on his bed and hasn't gone out of his room, perhaps not wanting to see me like this past few days.

Someone knocked on the door, and I attended to it. I used the peephole and saw who was behind the door, "Mom." I called her when I opened the door for her. She smiled at me sadly as she pulled me into a hug.

"I miss you Son, Are you doing well?" She asked a question with an obvious answer.

"Mom, please, I don't want to talk about it here," I begged her. I haven't told One, and I don't want him to know this way. I knew she was not here for just a visit. She was here in place of dad.

One's room door opened, revealing him. He had a quite surprised expression on his face seeing mom in our dorm. He glanced at me for a bit, then greeted mom with a smile.

Mom pulled him into a hug, "How are you doing, honey?" She asks One with genuine joy in her voice and expressions.

"I'm well, auntie. You look more beautiful than last time." She complimented mom while smiling. He was pure with that. I can say he respects mom a lot.

"Sorry for visiting unannounced." Mom apologized with a small smile, "You can visit here anytime." One assured her with a smile.

He excused himself and went to the kitchen,

"Can I stay here till lunch? I want to cook for you guys." Mom said while looking at me and One, trying to read the atmosphere.

One nodded at her. "I'll thank you in advance, auntie." He said.

"Then, I'll bring Jongseong to buy ingredients. Is that okay, One?" Mom asked her. One just nodded with a small smile.

Mom looked at me then signaled me to go out. I told her to go first, and I'd follow, which she did.

I approached One and tried to hold him, but he averted my touch. He met my gazes as his smile vanished, his eyes that were always full of emotions turned dead. Those gazes he was giving me brought swirling of unwanted emotions into my system, and one of those is ache.

It was like this, These last few days since that night. I know he has a lot of questions, but I don't know how to answer them. I don't know how to say it without hurting him. I'm doing my best to protect him, but it looks like I'm the one who's hurting him right now.

"I'll buy it for you. It seems like it is going to rain all of a sudden. Call auntie and just talk here." He said in a dead tone without looking at me now and focusing on putting water on his glass.

"One, please..." I called him softly, begging him to look at me, "Can you give me more time, Love?" I asked him that stopped him from what he was doing.

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