Writer's Final Note

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Writer's Final Note

Hi there!

It's been a while. I can't believe I'm now writing this note to wrap up this book of mine. I hope you guys are doing well, safe, and sound.

First, to finally start, If you are still guys reading this, I just wanted to thank you for seeing the end of 'The Destiny Against Us' with me. I really do hope that you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

It was a roller coaster emotion ride for me. I wish I was able to make you feel the same way, and I was able to convey all emotions through this book. Happiness, sadness, pain, and the likes present in this book, including love. I hope I made you laugh and giggle, as well as cry just like I did while writing this book.

I also would like to thank all friends I gained through writing this. I appreciate all your messages. Thank you for helping me build my confidence in writing.

To the one who's reading this right now, I want to thank you for spending time reading this story of mine. May this story of mine be worthy of your reads till the very end. Like promised, was I able to gave us ending we all deserved... Was I able to do that? I hope yes.^^ To all votes and comments, you cast I appreciate it a lot.

Lastly, This book is my first boy's love, alternative universe book, and story written in English. With that said, Let me apologize for all grammatical mistakes, typos, and spelling errors. I promise to do better on the following stories.

Finally, this won't be going to end without thanking the portrayers of this story JayWon, the main character and ENHYPEN. Let's continue to support and give them endless love.

Just like our seven stars who are destined to find each other, we are also destined to find them as they found their way to us as one and ENHYPEN.❤️

I'll be back after a while with a new story. I'll be glad to meet you again and be part of your leading list once more.

For the last time, Thank you very much.

With so much love, SayHiStories.❤️

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